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  • 7 years later...

Found this on Orange County history website:

The biggest single Scouting event ever to hit Orange County (CA) was the Third National Jamboree, held here in July 1953. Some 50,000 Scouts and Scouters from across the United States descended on the Irvine Ranch for seven days of fellowship and fun.


The fee for the Jamboree was just $48 per boy, and yet they still turned a profit, and refunded each camper $13.50. The Irvine Company donated the site and some of the preparations, which helped keep the costs down, and lots of equipment was borrowed from the military...

The Scouts ate a lot–like 1.6 million tons of food and drink, including 500,000 eggs, 150,000 donuts, 170,000 loaves of bread, 63,000 pies, 750,000 bottles of soft drinks, and 625,000 quarts of milk, plus tons and tons of ground beef, chicken, hot dogs, steak, and vegetables. All this and more created 1.5 tons of trash daily....Workers dug 4,500 latrines for the Jamboree, and after the event, eucalyptus trees were planted in many of the holes. So, if you see a mature eucalyptus tree in the Newport Center/Eastbluff/Big Canyon area, you now know what likely kickstarted its growth...

The Jamboree finally came to an end on July 23. One last show was held in the big amphitheatre, with 90,000 people in attendance. “Auld Lang Syne” was the last song sung, and then the exodus began.

Good summary of planning and activities along with photos and map at sources:


P.S. Found another source:


Edited by RememberSchiff
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Sadly, the time when the Government offered much free, or at cost help, is long gone.  One of the reasons for the Summit was the increasing outside pressures from some political individuals against the government allowing BSA on military bases, especially AP Hill.  It did not matter to them that while yes, BSA was getting expensive services at cost, or in some cases under, the military was getting major training opportunity in their support at the events.  Again, little was completely free

 the Base personnel or its property, only at "costs".  A different perspective and a different world. 


Edited by skeptic
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