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Summer Camp near Amtrak Train Station SC,NC,VA

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Thanks for all the advice. Boys decided on Camp Raven Knob, NC and will take the train from Tampa to Raleigh (the camp said that was preferable than a closer location) and a bus to camp the last 2 hours. We looked at Camp Boddie was a close runner up but it looked a lot like here in the summer and the boys wanted mountains.


It was not easy to look for the 'big' camps. Eventually I downloaded all the regional camp maps from the BSA website 'stitched' them together and overlaid them on a scanned Amtrak map. Then I could at least winnow out the camps near Amtrak stations, contact the local camps, Districts, and Councils for contacts and ask for help in getting from the train station to camp. Then I turned over the semi-digested info to the PLC and they debated the issues.


I wish there was a one stop Summer Camp site; the lack of one makes it so difficult. 


The boys are still working out the new logistics (one backpack per boy, travel light, minimal Troop gear, best food to pack for early arrival) and have come up with some good (enough) ideas. We looked at the Campsite reservation table and it looks like we are the only Florida unit there this summer--so it should be a nice change from Woodruff and Daniel Boone. A lot of excitement about doing something new.

I hope your boys have a great time at CRN. It should be an exciting trip.

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