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National Advanced Youth Leadership Experience

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My son is at N.A.Y.L.E. this week. I'm thankful for the Summit Bechtel Reserve, although it is a long drive, it is drivable from where we live opening up opportunities that we would not be able to afford given the travel involved to, for example, Philmont.


Other than that it is the next thing after Natinoal Youth Leadership Training, I don't really know much about what N.A.Y.L.E. is. I'd imagine it is a chance to reinforce what was learned at NYLT while at the same time getting to take in some of what the high adventure camp has to offer.


He did call from camp on Tuesday, just to let us know that parents are invited to their closing ceremony on Friday night. I've already booked my room out that way & I'm looking forward to it. This is the first of his two trips to the Summit Bechtel Reserve this summer.


I don't know at this point if "I have to drive to the summit" or "I get to drive to the summit" I'll make that judgement in August, but I must say, I really enjoyed the drive from the gate to the welcome center and back on Sunday!

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My oldest completed NAYLE at Philmont last week. He had an amazing time. The scouts all bonded over the week, e-mails were traded, tears were shed. 


Luckily, at Philmont, we were allowed to stay at tent city the night we dropped him off and the night we picked him up. 


My younger one can't wait until he gets to go. 

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NAYLE is a very hands-on "continuation" of NYLT.  Dont know how it might be different at SBR, at Philmont they do geocaching, challenge events, wilderness first aid, search & rescue and a short backpacking trek.  They dont do these activities to really learn them, rather the activities put the crew into situations where good leadership is needed to succeed.


I only know this because I took the adult equivalent last fall and the courses us the same handbook.  The Philmont Leadership Challenge is the best thing Ive done in Scouting - highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take their WB/leadership skills up a notch.  SBR had one scheduled last year but it was cancelled for low registrations - hopefully they can turn that around.


One of the participants in my course put together a site of photos and a couple of promo videos, check them out here: http://philmontleadershipchallenge.net/

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  On 6/30/2016 at 11:24 PM, jjlash said:

The Philmont Leadership Challenge is the best thing Ive done in Scouting - highly recommend it to anyone who wants to take their WB/leadership skills up a notch.  SBR had one scheduled last year but it was cancelled for low registrations - hopefully they can turn that around.



Thank You for this information!  If I could do it this year I would but I have to wait till next year for more Vacation Time, I have already warned the Wife.

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The closing ceremony was great.  We went to pick him up as a Family, and hoped that my younger son would see something he thought was awesome.


At the closing, each participant had a chance to speak.  You could definately tell that these scouts were going to go on to be leaders for some time, weather it be SPL, OA Officer, VOA Officer, I'd bet a paycheck a few of them will become young second lieutenants or ensigns in the US military. 


Like NYLT, it his descriptions seemed to be a lot like Woodbadge, with NAYLE adding a lot more of experience and taking some of the core concepts to a more advanced level.  So, the name is pretty descriptive. 


He should be well prepared to staff NYLT on July 9.

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