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New Venturing Crew


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I was told there was a major interest in starting a new Venturing Crew in a nearby town.  The Mrs. and I went over at the high school and had an informal gathering of a dozen+ students who said they were interested.  No. problem  I tried setting up a recruitment time but with the end of school, the excuses kept flowing in.  Now that school is out for the summer I set up a time with a two hour slot for them to stop by and sign up.  in that 2 hour time slot NO ONE showed up.  One gal emailed me about being interested, and the Mrs. is taking her under her wing and introducing her to the outdoors through other community organizations and clubs.  She already has a kayak outing lined up with a group of women who kayak regularly.


I was told there was to be 20+ youth interested in starting this crew.  Looks like a lot of hype and no substance.


Is this typical or did I just run into a lot of adult generated fantasy?

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It's like I have an evil twin!


I found school recruitment to be a disappointment. Check an interest box, sure. Phsyically move oneself to a meeting? Nope.


The venturing handbook talks about synergism, well anergism could be the opposing force that's very real in the life of teens. (Don't waste time looking that up in the dictionary. But, if you've hit this problem, you know it feels just my fabricated word sounds!)


My best venturers have come together by word of mouth. But, that requires there to be a "herder" in a group of "joiners". Is your gal a herder? Time will tell. The Mrs. needs to ask this girl if she has a friend who will want to join her on the next adventure, etc ..

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  On 6/9/2016 at 8:50 PM, qwazse said:

It's like I have an evil twin!


I found school recruitment to be a disappointment. Check an interest box, sure. Phsyically move oneself to a meeting? Nope.


The venturing handbook talks about synergism, well anergism could be the opposing force that's very real in the life of teens. (Don't waste time looking that up in the dictionary. But, if you've hit this problem, you know it feels just my fabricated word sounds!)


My best venturers have come together by word of mouth. But, that requires there to be a "herder" in a group of "joiners". Is your gal a herder? Time will tell. The Mrs. needs to ask this girl if she has a friend who will want to join her on the next adventure, etc ..


Well, I guess I am the evil twin.  The suggestion was made just yesterday that in keeping with the 2-deep, even though it's not a BSA activity, she invite a friend along.  :) 


Great minds travel the same roads.... unfortunately for us ours seems to be a dirt path with poison ivy on both sides.  :)

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