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What camps offer what activities


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My son will have one year left in the BS program after this year's summer camp. He and our 5 other older boys are looking for a camp for the summer of 2017 that offers whitewater MB as an option. We have found Camp SOAR in Colorado, but that's about it. The camp needs to offer a base camp for our younger scouts and a high adventure option for our older scouts, SM's requirement not ours.


Does anyone know of a database that lists what summer camps offer what MBs? I have 6 older boys that want to do a high adventure, preferably whitewater rafting and 12 "little" guys that need a traditional MB driven camp. We have kicked around the idea of doing our own camp but we don't have enough older scouts to fill the minimums for MB classes with outfitters. We also don't have the adult manpower to do 2 different trips so each group gets what it wants. And several of the older guys have little brothers and the parents want camp done in 1 week not 2 different ones.


We are looking at driving. Trains and planes are too expensive, especially when you still need rental transportation at the arrival location.  Hoping to keep it to 1500 miles or less from southern Michigan. Colorado is at the far edge of our distance limits. The site must also operate in the last 2 weeks of June. The guys won't be out of school until June 15 next year.


Any thoughts or ideas would be appreciated. Thanks so much for your help.

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I am in central OH and an out of council camp, 7 Ranges in Buckeye Council, offers an option for the older boys to go down to Summit for about $500. I assume Summit offers the whitewater MB. Other camps within reasonable driving distance to Summit may offer that option as well. I would go to the council web site, get the Leaders Guide for more information and maybe contact the camp. Use that as a basis and then see if you can find one that suits all your needs.


Good luck.

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Thanks for the thoughts. I've checked dozens of leader guides for dozens of camps in areas I thought would be a match but nothing has been found yet.


We pretty much ruled the Summit out for this adventure due Jambo next year. If the troop had wanted to do the trip this year Summit would have probably made the list. I can't see the Summit running the programs mentioned in the weeks before Jambo. It took them weeks to get ready last time. 

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Have you looked into Heritage Reservation in PA? http://www.lhc-bsa.org/camping

They teach whitewater through their trek Program on the Youghogeny at Ohiopyle.


Camp Mountaineer WV http://www.macbsa.org/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=335&Itemid=9

Offers whitewater adventure (I think that includes the MB), I believe in the Cheat River.


Both locations are "go to" locations when anyone mentions whitewater in these parts. These camps are probably the leading locations.

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Have you checked Many Points Scout Camp in northern MN.  Their "older Scout" program lists kayaking on class 1 & 2 rapids, ATV's, Tree Houses and SCUBA.  Never been there but talked to lots of local folks who have - they all rave about it.

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Maybe look into Woodruff Scout Reservation in northern Georgia, or Camp Daniel Boone in western North Carolina.  Both have traditional "base camps" and optional off-site Whitewater programs for older scouts.

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we're going to Skymont Scout Reservation in SE Tennessee this year.  They have an adventure program that includes some whitewater rafting.  They do offer kayaking, but I'm not sure if it's whitewater kayaking or not???

might be worth a look

looks like roughly 600-700 miles from southern MI


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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm a little late to the conversation but I'm in a similar situation for next year's camp.  We'll have about 5 older scouts who will want to do high adventure and the rest will need a traditional camp.  Last year we went to Lewis and Clark in Yankton, SD.  They have a traditional camp and also a canoe trek for older scouts.  Others in my troop's acceptable driving area (we're in south central Kansas) that offer some type of optional high adventure water based activity for the older guys: Camp Arrowhead in Marshfield, MO; Camp Cedars in Cedar Bluffs, NE; Camp Rockefeller in Damascus, AR.

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update from my end....

went to Skymont last week.

we had ten scouts that stuck with the traditional program all week (well really only nine), and an older six that went "high adventure"

The nine were all 1st year, 2nd year, and I think 3rd year scouts


Skymont has a deal worked up with, I think it was this outfit they went to



So the whole group was together for check-in and orientation Sunday, the older scouts had some training and such Monday, then bused off for the adventure, back on Friday afternoon.

They had smiles coming off the bus

and the younger and middle aged scouts had fun too.


Really seems like a great way to do it from my perspective.


and as a side note, it was fun to watch the group dynamics.

Clearly the older scouts fit together well into their own group

and the younger group mixed very well together..... with the sub group buddy pairs really peeling off by age

and the older group mixed very well together in their own patrol..... AND stepped in and mixed extremely well with the younger scouts when/as needed helping, teaching, and mentoring them....or just hanging out with them

but clearly the tighter buddy pairs are naturally "preferenced" by age.


Our troop isn't doing a great job running from the patrol perspective and really seems to think more as a troop.

and for this trip the patrols were barely a thought form what i could see..... except for the high adventure break out that had a clear age restriction.

but it was interesting to see how naturally the scouts fell into groups by age naturally, while still mixing very well together from time to time....

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Thanks again for the thoughts. Yes it needs to be whitewater. We have it narrowed down to 2 camps. BSA SOAR in Colorado and Heritage Scout Reservation in Pennsylvania. Prices are about the same, travel is the big difference. There are a few logistics we adult are still sorting out before letting the scouts vote.


Has anyone gone to either camp? Can you please offer any pros or cons to each camp? Any info to help make the decision please?

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  On 6/20/2016 at 11:16 PM, bsaggcmom said:

Thanks again for the thoughts. Yes it needs to be whitewater. We have it narrowed down to 2 camps. BSA SOAR in Colorado and Heritage Scout Reservation in Pennsylvania. Prices are about the same, travel is the big difference. There are a few logistics we adult are still sorting out before letting the scouts vote.


Has anyone gone to either camp? Can you please offer any pros or cons to each camp? Any info to help make the decision please?

Our troop always goes to HR (this week, same campsite every year). They love the patrol cooking (on propane stoves) in Camp Liberty. Other troops love the dining hall in Camp Freedom. (It's a big hall, seats maybe 500.) Both camps have freshwater aquatics areas. Big lake, very hungry bass and bluegill. Decent canvas wall tents on wood platforms. Very wooded. (I've met scouts from Michigan hiking in similar parts of PA for the weekend, so I know they like it here.) Ground a little rocky. Latrines and running water in each site. Shower houses not too far of a walk.


Enthusiastic staff. (The current Res Director used to be my SPL, but that's not biasing my report. :o ) For the 12 who just want to do MB's, it's not a bad program, but I bet no different than SOAR. Our scouts enjoyed the cope and climbing and shotgun range a lot.

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