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HUGE Issue with Chartered Organization

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Can something be done about a CO that refuses to assist the pack with a place to meet and causes more issues than being helpful?  Not really - you can either accept the relationship as it is, or you just go about finding a new CO to create a new Pack.  But before we get in to that, let's clear up a misunderstanding.  The Chartered Agreements do not require CO's to provide a place to meet though a lot of people think it does.  It only requires that the CO ensures that the Unit has appropriate facilities for their regular meetings.  You meet in a school - you're meeting in an appropriate facility - maybe someone way back when got that relationship going - maybe the unit found it on its own (and the Charter doesn't even require that the CO find you a place to meet - only to ensure that the place you meet is appropriate) - the point is that the obligation has been met.



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Can something be done about a CO that refuses to assist the pack with a place to meet and causes more issues than being helpful?  Not really - you can either accept the relationship as it is, or you just go about finding a new CO to create a new Pack.  But before we get in to that, let's clear up a misunderstanding.  The Chartered Agreements do not require CO's to provide a place to meet though a lot of people think it does.  It only requires that the CO ensures that the Unit has appropriate facilities for their regular meetings.  You meet in a school - you're meeting in an appropriate facility - maybe someone way back when got that relationship going - maybe the unit found it on its own (and the Charter doesn't even require that the CO find you a place to meet - only to ensure that the place you meet is appropriate) - the point is that the obligation has been met.



This is the statement I was trying to clarify.

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This is the statement I was trying to clarify.


It is right there in black and white (see post above). I am not sure how anyone can construe the sentence "Ensure appropriate facilities for the unit for its regular meetings to facilitate the aims of the Chartered Organization and Scouting" as meaning the CO does not need to provide a place for you to meet. It clearly does and it is part of the CO agreement. The CO has to make sure you have a place to meet. That means they either give you the facility or help you find one, but the onus is clearly on THEM. And this is an annual agreement, meaning that EVERY YEAR they need to make sure you have an appropriate facility. If they did for 30 years but this year they didn't, they are in violation of the agreement.


The CO is required to give/find you a place to meet. If they don't you can go to the DE and work with them to find a new CO who will. They likely are in violation of the charter agreement which may render the agreement void if one of its principle tenants goes unfulfilled. 


I'd talk with your DE and worry less about a misinterpreted portion of one of BSA's central documents. I could say the moon is made of blue cheese, doesn't make it true. ;)

Edited by Krampus
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It is right there in black and white (see post above). I am not sure how anyone can construe the sentence "Ensure appropriate facilities for the unit for its regular meetings to facilitate the aims of the Chartered Organization and Scouting" as meaning the CO does not need to provide a place for you to meet. It clearly does and it is part of the CO agreement. The CO has to make sure you have a place to meet. That means they either give you the facility or help you find one, but the onus is clearly on THEM. And this is an annual agreement, meaning that EVERY YEAR they need to make sure you have an appropriate facility. If they did for 30 years but this year they didn't, they are in violation of the agreement.


The CO is required to give/find you a place to meet. If they don't you can go to the DE and work with them to find a new CO who will. They likely are in violation of the charter agreement which may render the agreement void if one of its principle tenants goes unfulfilled. 


I'd talk with your DE and worry less about a misinterpreted portion of one of BSA's central documents. I could say the moon is made of blue cheese, doesn't make it true. ;)



To clarify.  My unit does not have an issue with a meeting place.

When I come to the boards it is to get insight on BSA policy, and how others interpret some of the "less than straight forward" language that BSA uses.

As I quoted above CalicoPenn stated that "The Chartered Agreements do not require CO's to provide a place to meet though a lot of people think it does."

That statement does not appear to be true and I was trying to clarify the "official" policy verses someone's "opinion".

I agree that OP should speak with his DE , but knowing the official policy can't hurt.

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To clarify.  My unit does not have an issue with a meeting place.

When I come to the boards it is to get insight on BSA policy, and how others interpret some of the "less than straight forward" language that BSA uses.

As I quoted above CalicoPenn stated that "The Chartered Agreements do not require CO's to provide a place to meet though a lot of people think it does."

That statement does not appear to be true and I was trying to clarify the "official" policy verses someone's "opinion".

I agree that OP should speak with his DE , but knowing the official policy can't hurt.


I think you said it, it is his opinion as to how he reads the CO agreement. But the quote from the document clearly shows that statement to be false. Not sure it needs much explaining beyond, "Opps, I misread that. Nevermind." ;)

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