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Den meeting agenda


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How long do you spend on opening flag ceremony and etc. before breaking out into dens. I was given an agenda suggestion from a commitee member and with everything broken down we would only have 20 mins of den time out of the hour we go to the meeting.

This is what his agenda looked like

7:00 introduction

7:10 flag ceremony

7:15 cub master briefing

7:30 break into dens

7:50 cub master closing

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How long do you spend on opening flag ceremony and etc. before breaking out into dens. I was given an agenda suggestion from a commitee member and with everything broken down we would only have 20 mins of den time out of the hour we go to the meeting.

This is what his agenda looked like

7:00 introduction

7:10 flag ceremony

7:15 cub master briefing

7:30 break into dens

7:50 cub master closing


Few questions here....


What's the difference between 10 minutes of Introduction and 15 minutes of CM briefing? 

The first half hour is 5 minutes of productive Flag Ceremony with 25 minutes of adult drivel.

10 minutes for closing???


Out of that whole hour, the boys only get 20 minutes?  I would be bored to tears with that agenda.


Here's my take.


7:00 - Opening Flags with CM BRIEF comments.

7:05 - Break out into den activities

7:30 - All dens must quit activities and start games

7:55 - Closing Flags 


Except with the important flag ceremonies, and 2 minutes worth of CM comments, all the rest of time is FOR THE BOYS!

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I thought you were putting this agenda out there as a joke.  I didn't realize some fool actually thought this was a good idea.  My agenda has more break out den activity than his AND I have an equal amount of game time as well.


This guy needs serious CM training on making it fun for the boys.


This agenda is more of a PACK agenda with 20 minutes for handing out awards instead of a den meeting.  If the CM insisted on this agenda and I was a DL, I'd be having my den meetings someplace else.  No, corrected....ANYplace else.

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Well, I am confused. The thread title says "Den meeting agenda" but if it's a den meeting, the Cubmaster isn't there. (Not counting if the Cubmaster is there as the parent of a boy in the den, but the Cubmaster "as" Cubmaster is not there.) And if it is really a pack meeting, I don't understand why so much time is dedicated to breaking out into dens. Unless things have changed drastically in the more-than-10-years since I was a Cub Scout leader, the dens meet separately. I do recall that at pack meetings, the parents of each den would sit together and touch base on whatever needed to be discussed within the den, but the boys were meeting as a pack, not in their dens. The main purpose of the pack meeting (not always fulfilled, but it was the goal) was for each den to present something that was in some way related to whatever they had been doing in their den for the past month, such as a skit, demonstration, display, or something. And there would usually be a game. And there were always announcements, and as usual some leaders are good at making their point and exiting stage left, and others like to hear themselves talk. I always tried for the first style, because usually at the sound of the first word of an announcement, I could see 6- and 7-year-old boys (not to mention some of their parents) already starting to fidget.

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Agree with NJCubScouter.


Pack Meetings involve the Cubmaster and the entire group of boys.


Dens involve boys in the same grade and they meet separately from the Pack.


I am aware with some Packs in our area, the boys all meet on the same night and in the same location. One night a month is reserved for the Pack Meeting and the other 3 nights are reserved for Den Meetings. If this is the case in your Pack, I agree with you. On the night the Dens meet, it appears too much time is being spent on group time and not enough time in the Den Meeting.

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When we meet, we all meet in the same location. And break into our seperate dens. So they are den meetings. We all do the flag ceremony together and break up into dens afterwards. This is my 4th year in scouts and never had someone want to make a detailed agenda like this. And just needed other opinion on what to tell him. I believe the introduction part is just because it's our first Pack meeting and wants all the parents to know who we are bit that should take 2 mins. Thank y'all for your input.

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Parent orientation is for introductions and cub master "briefing"


Our dens all meet at the same time and place.

We have opening flags and then a very short announcements by the Cubmaster if there is an upcoming event that everyone needs to know about. Breakout into dens within the first 10 minutes of our start time. We don't do a Cubmaster minute or closing flag at weekly den meetings only at the pack meeting.

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Ummmm.  In our pack the dens usually meet in a large,  common room.  But they meet separately.



I  typically had a gathering activity which often was stretched until ten minutes into the regular den meeting time because families were commonly later arriving.


( I often had FUN gathering activities, with the hope that parents would show up on time,  but that's always been a forlorn hope.)


We had an opening flag ceremony to call the den meeting to order,  and went right into our planned activities.


To the greatest extent possible I avoided "announcements"  because they are usually boring for boys.


The den meeting time was for BOYs the Pack Committee Meeting and e-mails were for PARENTS.




I'm determined not to be a den leader this year,  after having spent eight years as the Tiger Cub Den Leader.


However,  I am growing pumpkins  that I'll make available to a den leasder for pumpkin carving,  and I have a nifty way for boys to make a pumkin carving tool.   I'll make that and some other activities available for den leaders who want to use them from time to time.

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This is from meritbadge.org


The Den Meeting Agenda

Den meetings typically have the following parts:

  • Before the Meeting. Leaders gather to make preparations and handle last-minute details. Denners and Assitant Denner set up.
  • Gathering Activity. As the Cub Scouts begin to arrive, they join in an informal activity or game, often conducted by the den chief to keep the boys interested and active until the entire group has arrived.
  • Opening. The opening is the official start of the den meeting. The Denner and Assistant Denner lead the flag ceremony, Cub Scout Promise, Law of the Pack, and perhaps a prayer or song.
  • Program. The program part of the meeting will vary by the age of the boys (see below), and may be broken into two or more parts. Most of the meeting consists of activities based on the Fast tracks plan and the monthly themes.
  • Closing. The closing draws the meeting to an end. It's usually serious and quiet. Den leaders could present a thought for the day or give reminders about coming events followed by a closing flag ceremony preented by the Denner and Assistant Denner.
  • After the Meeting. The leaders review the events of the meeting, finalize plans for the next den meeting, and review their progress toward the upcoming pack meeting. The Denner and Assistant Denner and their adult partners lead the cleanup

from my experience I wouldn't plan on spending more than 10 mins. on any one topic. You may be able to stretch this to 15 mins. for a craft but most Cub Scout aged boys don't have an attention span much more than this. When doing things like flag etiquette I would do part of it, then a quick game or activity, then do the rest. 

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.....I'm determined not to be a den leader this year,  after having spent eight years as the Tiger Cub Den Leader......


A few years ago, I came to the conclusion that a perpetual Tiger Leader would be the single greatest gift a pack could have.  Good on you for doing it so long!

I hope your pack appreciate the time you have given it!

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