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2016 Boy Scout Requirements

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So a few interesting things:

  • "Demonstrate pocket knife safety"? Does this mean they can carry when they crossover?
  • "Develop and describe a plan for improvement in each of the activities listed in Tenderfoot requirement 6a. Keep track of your activity for at least 30 days." Some guys are going to really hate this. ;)
  • Service hour for TF nice to see. Frankly would like to see more than just one hour.
  • Two service hours for SC.
  • New to each rank "While working toward the XXX rank, and after completing [the previous rank] requirement 10, participate in a Scoutmaster conference." I guess we had too many kids sitting for several SMCs? 
  • Addition of LNT principles in the TFC ranks.
  • Weather added to FC requirements.
  • Three hours of service for FC (total of 6 hours on the trail to FC).
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  On 7/7/2015 at 7:54 PM, Bad Wolf said:


  • Service hour for TF nice to see. Frankly would like to see more than just one hour.
  • Two service hours for SC....
  • Three hours of service for FC (total of 6 hours on the trail to FC).


Not being a fan of time wasted bean-counting, and believing that service should never be motivated by a reward, I think this is yet another step in the wrong direction.

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Numbers of other updates, additions, and clarifications.  Six total nights of camping for FC; sheetbend is now required for FC; actually demonstrating using clove hitch and timber hitches for each lashing, and making the device as well; using a GPS as well as compass; choking added to tenderfoot FA; specifying discussion of 4 laws for each rank, but must be different each time, so cover all of them; Star reviews the parent guide again that is needed to join; FC adds boat descriptions and their oars or paddles; Life service to include minimum 3 hours of conservation; other minor changes; and additional specific detail added to most of the requirements so can be far less conjecture.  They also have officially made Scout a rank, and it has double the original joining requirements, many of which were in Tenderfoot before.


Time will tell, but to me, they seem to be tacitly making advancement at the lower end far more challenging, which is a good thing.

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  On 7/7/2015 at 8:50 PM, qwazse said:

Not being a fan of time wasted bean-counting, and believing that service should never be motivated by a reward, I think this is yet another step in the wrong direction.


Agree but some will do the bare minimum so raising the bar just a bit make by increasing total service hours on the trial to Eagle is a positive step IMHO. I'd like to see it doubled. Anything these guys do for rank advancement is for "reward", why not service hours. Let's face it, guys don't get Eagle to be philanthropic. ;)



  On 7/7/2015 at 9:07 PM, skeptic said:


Time will tell, but to me, they seem to be tacitly making advancement at the lower end far more challenging, which is a good thing.



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Oh boy.

I guess there is a lot I could say about some of these, and over time I probably will. But just to pick one at random, here is something that jumped out at me:

For background, here is old Scout (joining) requirement number 9:


With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide.

Now here is the new Scout rank requirement number 6:


With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide and earn the Cyber Chip Award for your grade.

(And then there's a footnote) If your family does not have Internet access at home AND you do not have ready Internet access at school or another public place or via a mobile device, the Cyber Chip portion of this requirement may be waived by your Scoutmaster in consultation with your parent or guardian.

So far I have no problem. What they've added for Scout on this subject is the Cyber Chip, and while I have never read the Cyber Chip requirements, I take it it has something to do with "online safety." So what they're doing is increasing the "youth protection" aspect for Scout a little bit. And they're saying that if you REALLY don't have Internet access ANYWHERE, and your SM and parents agree, you can skip the Chip. (Get it?) Again, seems reasonable.

But then I get to new Star requirement 6:


With your parent or guardian, complete the exercises in the pamphlet How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse: A Parent’s Guide and earn the Cyber Chip award for your grade.

(With the same footnote)

Sound familiar? Star requirement 6 and Scout requirement 6 will now be exactly the same. What was previously a "joining requirement" must now be repeated in order to make Star. At first I though this was a misprint, but as I have been typing this, it is starting to make a little more sense. Having learned the principles of protecting yourself at age 10 or 11, you must now "renew" your knowledge at 13, 14 or 15 or whenever. And I guess this subject WOULD have a little bit more meaning at the age when most boys are going for Star. So maybe it does make sense.

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Well, one more.  Here is one of the new requirements for Scout:


2. After attending at least one Boy Scout troop meeting, do the following:
a. Describe how the Scouts in the troop provide its leadership.
b. Describe the four steps of Boy Scout advancement.
c. Describe what the ranks in Boy Scouting are and how they are earned.
d. Describe what merit badges are and how they are earned.

As they say these days, "Really?"  No more learning as you go along?  Now you can't even get the first patch on your pocket without being able to recite the entire path that lies ahead?  Fresh off the bridge from Webelos and you are expected to describe the merit badge program?  I don't even like the idea of kids earning merit badges until they are at least Second Class, but I know that ship sailed a long time ago.
Maybe "a" and "b" are ok for Scout, but I think they could have let "c" and "d" wait for Tenderfoot or later.  And that's even assuming a requirement like this was necessary in the first place.

Edited by NJCubScouter
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  On 7/7/2015 at 11:09 PM, NJCubScouter said:

 Fresh off the bridge from Webelos and you are expected to describe the merit badge program?  


No, but its a far cry from "Hello, Webelo... here's your Scout badge.  Summer Camp is in two weeks; shall we schedule your FC BOR tonight?".




I don't see anything untoward about an eleven-year-old having some PERSONAL understanding of how troop leadership, advancement, and merit badges are supposed to work.  Maybe then we can stem the endless tide of parents asking the same things over and over.  This will force the boys to, at the very least, fake understanding the program well enough to convince another Scout.

Edited by MrBob
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Said it before, get rid of "Scout". Didn't like it as a non-rank, and like it less as a rank. AOL scouts are bored by the review. Less talk, less chair-time, more hands-on and on the go - FUN. Move knots and knife safety to Tenderfoot.


Why not explicitly state "After successfully completing all requirements for this rank, including a Scoutmaster's Conference, request and complete your Board of Review.


First Class First Aid. Should include what to do at scene of car accident.


My $0.02

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  On 7/7/2015 at 11:09 PM, NJCubScouter said:

Well, one more.  Here is one of the new requirements for Scout:



As they say these days, "Really?"  No more learning as you go along?  Now you can't even get the first patch on your pocket without being able to recite the entire path that lies ahead?  Fresh off the bridge from Webelos and you are expected to describe the merit badge program?  I don't even like the idea of kids earning merit badges until they are at least Second Class, but I know that ship sailed a long time ago.


Maybe "a" and "b" are ok for Scout, but I think they could have let "c" and "d" wait for Tenderfoot or later.  And that's even assuming a requirement like this was necessary in the first place.


IMHO,  part of getting them to understand MBs is using the Webelos Adventures in a very similar manner to MBs, i.e. get "experts" to work on them with the Cub Scouts.


As for what the ranks are, I'ld focus on the "how they are earned" part more than what they are.



And I second whomever siad First Aid MB required for First Class Scout.

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  On 7/8/2015 at 12:59 AM, Eagle94-A1 said:

IMHO,  part of getting them to understand MBs is using the Webelos Adventures in a very similar manner to MBs, i.e. get "experts" to work on them with the Cub Scouts.


As for what the ranks are, I'ld focus on the "how they are earned" part more than what they are.



And I second whomever siad First Aid MB required for First Class Scout.


Wasn't that the requirements back in 7th or 8th Edition?

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  On 7/8/2015 at 1:12 AM, Bad Wolf said:

Wasn't that the requirements back in 7th or 8th Edition?


When I earned FC in... 1984? it was required.  I remember my dad (who volunteered in my school's health room part time) played the part of the "grievously injured victim" for most of the "demonstrate" requirements when met with my MBC.

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  On 7/8/2015 at 1:12 AM, Bad Wolf said:

Wasn't that the requirements back in 7th or 8th Edition?


Yes it was, at least until the late 80's or early 90's when they redid the requirements to eliminate skill awards.

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