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Sad Story - a scout lost - question for Mike Long


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Thanks again.


They knew the safety rules of hunting. Horrible things DO happen to good people who normally follow the rules. This happened in a moment of laxity. They lost focus once and then this...


Eisely, Laurel is doing great. She's 17 months old. Blonde Shirly Temple curls and big blue eyes. Shes very tall and has a huge vocabulary. She is even using short but complete sentances. Just a cute little bundle of happy energy. I'm going to be in BIG trouble in a few years when she discovers boys.

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My prayers are with you, the troop, and the family. Having lost my 18 year-old son last June in an auto accident, I can feel their pain. I especially pray for the dad, as one dad to another. I can't begin to imagine what he's putting himself through!!

Like the old gospel song says:


"We'll understand it better, by and by..."



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I'm so sorry to hear this tragic news. It's always tragic to hear a child die, but even more so when it's a child that meant so much to those around him. From what I've read here, Alex was something very special and was beyond his years. He meant alot to many people and in many ways. It sounds like he passed God's gifts to all he knew.


We won't ever understand God's plan and why He called Alex home. But Alex has "made his mark" on those who knew him. He has touched and taught each and every one of you close to him in ways you may not understand. For that you can celebrate his life and be glad that God shared Alex with you. And judging from what you say here, he will not be forgotten. You will all be that more "special" just by how Alex has influenced your lives.


And please pass my condolences on to the Father. Tell him that I will pray for he and his family. And that he will forgive himself one day.


Lean on God's strength when you can't find your own, He will be there for ALL of you.


Some angels wear wings, and some wear Boy Scout Uniforms.


God Bless all!

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