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Prerequisites For Mbs At Summer Camp.

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I think I see two different kinds of "pre-requisites" being discussed here. One is the type mentioned in the original post, where a camp establishes a "requirement" that is NOT in the requirements and says that if you want to do the badge here, this is what you have to do first. I do not necessarily have a problem with that. There is a difference between a "local" counselor working with one or two kids, who would be "adding to the requirements" by requiring Swimming MB before Lifesaving, and a camp that is dealing with throngs of Scouts and has to decide how to best allocate its resources. That's my opinion, anyway.


The other kind of "pre-requisite" is one that is PART of the requirements, but cannot be earned at summer camp. The summer camp our troop usually attends has lists of these for many of the MB's they offer. The camp does not require that the pre-requisites be done before camp, but strongly recommends that they be, so the Scout can complete the badge at camp. One example is Citizenship in Community - and yes I know that should not be a "camp" MB, but at this camp it is, and I don't decide what camp they go to, and I am not the Scoutmaster - which I believe has a requirement to attend a meeting of some local governing body. (Or maybe that's Communications, or maybe it's both.) That obviously cannot be done at camp, so they call it a "pre-requisite." It is not really a pre-requisite to earning the badge, but it is a pre-requisite to COMPLETING the badge at camp. You can always come home from camp with a partial, but this camp believes that partials are not a good idea, especially in quantity, and I agree. (Another example I recall is from Emergency Prep, which my son did at this camp. He had to prepare an emergency kit, but it had to have so much stuff in it that it could not really be brought to camp, so he had to assemble everything, take a photo of it and bring the photo to camp.)

Edited by NJCubScouter
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   What I was referring to is the "honor" that when I sign a blue card for a scout to do a merit badge the signature that comes back on it is the counselor. I've had parents sign cards for their sons. You seem to be keying more on camp badges, please don't get me started on that one. I have yet to take the boys to any camp that follows those rules. These camps today are more concerned with numbers of boys in class and number of badges offered than quality of instruction. As a scout I did very few badges at camp, 2 was most on any week I went. I went to camp to have fun and try things out not sit in class did enough of that in school. It was more fun and educational to do it at home and sit and talk with the counselor.

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I'd tell mom that swimming is definitely require for Eagle while Lifesaving is optional with E-Prep as it's option.  Let's see how well the scout does in the water first.  He may not want lifesaving after taking swimming. 

According to the information I have, the required badge is: Cycling, Hiking, OR Swimming

Then for the other it's Emergency Prep OR Lifesaving


For my son, who is on the swim team, swimming and lifesaving seemed to be the best fit for him and they make a nice pair.  (Though I as mom hope that he would earn all of the other badges, too.)

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I think I see two different kinds of "pre-requisites" being discussed here. One is the type mentioned in the original post, where a camp establishes a "requirement" that is NOT in the requirements and says that if you want to do the badge here, this is what you have to do first. I do not necessarily have a problem with that. There is a difference between a "local" counselor working with one or two kids, who would be "adding to the requirements" by requiring Swimming MB before Lifesaving, and a camp that is dealing with throngs of Scouts and has to decide how to best allocate its resources. That's my opinion, anyway.


The other kind of "pre-requisite" is one that is PART of the requirements, but cannot be earned at summer camp. The summer camp our troop usually attends has lists of these for many of the MB's they offer. The camp does not require that the pre-requisites be done before camp, but strongly recommends that they be, so the Scout can complete the badge at camp. One example is Citizenship in Community - and yes I know that should not be a "camp" MB, but at this camp it is, and I don't decide what camp they go to, and I am not the Scoutmaster - which I believe has a requirement to attend a meeting of some local governing body. (Or maybe that's Communications, or maybe it's both.) That obviously cannot be done at camp, so they call it a "pre-requisite." It is not really a pre-requisite to earning the badge, but it is a pre-requisite to COMPLETING the badge at camp. You can always come home from camp with a partial, but this camp believes that partials are not a good idea, especially in quantity, and I agree. (Another example I recall is from Emergency Prep, which my son did at this camp. He had to prepare an emergency kit, but it had to have so much stuff in it that it could not really be brought to camp, so he had to assemble everything, take a photo of it and bring the photo to camp.)


Great post!

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