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Tiger @ Cub Scout Day Camp


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Our council encourages recruiting among Kindergarteners in the Spring.


That means we will have boys who will be in first grade in the fall who would like to have some kind of summer day camp experience.



Some districts in our council have those new tigers do the full day day camp experience.  Others do a shorter version of day camp,  often doing an evening program.


I've run our District's Tiger Twilight Camp for three years.  We do an evening program Wednesday and hursday evening from 6:30-8:30 when only the Tigers and their partners are in camp  ---after the regular day camp is out.


On Friday we do a half day program with the regular Day Camp,  so that the Tigers get to do Archery, BB guns and other final day blowout experiences.


My aim with the Tiger Twilight Camp has been to give newly recruited Tigers and their newly recruitied parents the experience of a high quality Tiger Scout program that they can use as a yardstick when they start their new Tiger dens in the fall.


Currently I'm recruiting someone else to take my place in conducting the Tiger Twilight Camp for the district.  I have one likely prospect ---the Cubmaster for my pack,  and I'm looking for a second person to share the job with him.





How does your district or council provide for newly recruited Tigers and their parents for summer camp?

Edited by SeattlePioneer
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You are going to laugh, but we incorporate them into the Wolf den.  We don't get a lot of Tigers because  A) we don't do Kindergarten round ups and B) usually the parents can't take off. most we ever had was 2 Tigers and partners, and 1 was the BS RT commissioner, and the other was the CS RT commissioner, among my other positions. ;)

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My son's Tiger year (2012), no one recruited in the schools until AFTER twilight camp, so he missed out on that. In the years after, we made sure to recruit in all the schools beforehand. We have a 5 day twilight camp, 5:30pm-8:45pm that we invite them to along to. They partner up with a parent and enjoy the activities. They are always a small group and if we need to accommodate them on any activities, we do so they can enjoy it to the best of their and our ability. In the past two years, its went very well!

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My son is currently a Tiger, and joined in the spring last year. He attended day camp with the boys who were Tigers/becoming Wolves. We had three Tigers go, obviously a parent accompanied each boy. It was fine. My son had a great time, and I know the other two boys did as well. They had no trouble keeping up with the other boys in most activities (they did have trouble with knot tying) and weren't any more tired than the other exhausted boys there. We were one of the few packs though that did bring Tigers.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

We have only had twilight camp for the past several years. The tigers attend just like all the other ranks. Their group is just as large as the others. We run Monday - Friday. In the past it was 5-8. This year is 3-8.

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