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Tracking Any Bugs Or Feature Requests For The New Forum

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I stand corrected!  I just posted a new topic on DO's (Dutch Ovens) and the double caps went away.  It has nothing to do with the editor, the software made the changes on it's own in that I'm posting on a PC with no editor capabilities or spell checking.

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Hi All, 

havent been here in like a year and was looking for a Funraising thread I had started,

but I cant get into that area of the forum?

I see one post but cant click on it? What happend to all the other topics? 

Was it closed while I was away, is it a glitch or what? 



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I hovered over your name "Berlander" and a popup screen gave me a choice of "content" on the left hand side. I clicked on that.. The only two threads it shows you participating in is this one and one titled "Kandersteg International Scout Center / BSA Camp Alpine"  from April 2014 which was a thread you had started, but nothing in it was about fundraising.. So I am not sure it moved over with the forum.. Was their a cut off date on what would be transferred over???... Perhaps your thread was a little older then you thought and if there was a cut-off date, it did not make it..?


Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.

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Okay, okay, I said it was no big deal to not be able to have HTML edit capabilities, but it is to the point where it is annoying me.


How does one get HTML ability?


(/bold) Test (/b)


Yup it works quite well.  :D 


If you click on the little switch next to the eraser icon in the upper left of the edit window it will toggle between normal and html. The script for bold is [ b ]text[ /b ] but without any spaces. Hope that helps.

Edited by Mozartbrau
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If you are not seeing the HTML markup at all, rather then seeing them but them being disabled.. I really think it is finding the arrow on the right had side to click on.. I wish I could figure out how to attach a picture to show you.. I am going to try to talk you through this, I am trying to be a specific as possible so I apologize if I come off in anyway as insulting.


HTML Markup code is not seen at all:

1) put your curser into the message box as if you are going to post a message.

2) At the top there is al light blue top margin that says "Reply to this topic"..

3) Below that is your icon and to the right is a darker blue border box.. look at the top margin of the dark blue border box.. Follow it to the very top right corner..  There should be a tiny arrow surrounded by a tiny square..

4) Click on the arrow. It should display the HTML markup.


If the HTML Markup code is visible but disabled:

1) put your curser into the message box as if you are going to post a message.

2) At the top there is al light blue top margin that says "Reply to this topic"..

3) Below that is your icon and to the right is a darker blue border box with your HTML code disabled.

4) the very top left icon (looks like a small square inside a larger square, to the left of it is an icon that looks like an eraser.

5) Click on the icon that is the small square inside a larger square..  This should enable all the other HTML markup choices..

6) This icon toggles the enable/disable feature on and off, I find I click it by mistake all the time, for some reason.


I hope this helps.. Wish I could do pictures as pictures are worth a thousand words.

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HTML Markup code is not seen at all:

1) put your curser into the message box as if you are going to post a message.




2) At the top there is al light blue top margin that says "Reply to this topic"..




3) Below that is your icon and to the right is a darker blue border box.. look at the top margin of the dark blue border box.. Follow it to the very top right corner..  There should be a tiny arrow surrounded by a tiny square..


NOT Okay  This is the problem there is nothing in the upper right hand corner of the reply box.  I have tried clicking when there is nothing there, hovering to see if something appears, etc. etc. but no arrow, no menu, no greyed out anything.


So here's the crux of the problem: simply put: in most courteous and friendly, kind manners: WHERE IN H..L IS THE D...M ARROW!!!  :)   Please and thank you very much.




I have also looked in the profile settings that HELP says is a toggle switch that goes back and forth between the basic editor and the HTML editor.  Well, that is exactly the same problem as the "little black arrow", it doesn't show up anywhere so as to set the editor.


4) Click on the arrow. It should display the HTML markup.

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Sorry, my screen print didn't download.


Okay when I go into the reply box, I get:


Reply to this topic in upper left corner.


My avatar just below that.


A blue box to type in with a triangle in the lower right side to resize the box.


A Post button at the bottom right along with a more reply options.


That's it, nothing more.

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