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Eagle Rank, SM Conference and Drug Use


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Late, but I'll put in my 2 cents as I just went through something similar. There's a thread on weed and summer camp for details. I'm not going to get upset and throw a kid out because a he made a mistake with grass. But I do want to see some growth, acknowledgement, or something that the scout knew he did something wrong and not that he just got caught. That's where I drew the line. The scout lost my trust in him when he broke the law and it was up to him to repair that. The scout's parents asked for a check list of things to do to gain back my trust and I said trust isn't gained by a simple check list.


I wasn't going to sign off on Eagle until I saw this. If some other SM wants to sign off or the scout wants to skirt around me and have the Council sign off, that's fine by me, but I don't have to condone bad behavior. The scout I had to work with left my troop for another. Now I can get back to working with scouts that want a good program.


I'd do something similar in your situation. If someone made me SM of a troop with that type of train wreck in the middle of it I'd say these are my rules and these are your options. Whether or not a scout peed in a cup every week has nothing to do with whether he realized he did something wrong and wanted to make it right.

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