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Time to remove Merit Badge requirements for rank?


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I am very glad that none of you are at National planning the future of the boy scout program or the merit badge program. Too much adult control on the troop level has greatly diminished the quality of the scouting program most boys receive. There is almost a total lack of SM's instilling in their boys a sense of independent decision making in place of telling them what to do and how to do it. How is that helping them to mature into young men?

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I am very glad that none of you are at National planning the future of the boy scout program or the merit badge program. Too much adult control on the troop level has greatly diminished the quality of the scouting program most boys receive. There is almost a total lack of SM's instilling in their boys a sense of independent decision making in place of telling them what to do and how to do it. How is that helping them to mature into young men?



Hey, BadenP! Could you back this up with some quotes? I guess I don't understand how this thread has hurt independent decision making by Scouts.

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LeCastor- In most areas it is becoming much harder to find MB counselors because they become disgusted with interference by SM's and parents who think they know better, many councils are allowing troop leaders to do all MB counseling as a result. That takes away the boys ability to decide which MB's to pursue and who to counsel them. That is why many summer camps and troops have become nothing more than MB and Eagle mills with kids earning 6-8 badges in one week at camp and learning NOTHING in the process, that is NOT the boy scout way.

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