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Can we change the title?


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Speaking of picking nits - to defend the OP, he did say "nearly" at the half way point and I would accept 2/3rds of the way to the mid-point is nearly there, in the same manner that 100 miles into a 150 mile drive is nearly to the end, and much nearer to the end than to the beginning.

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I posted this last post merely tongue in cheek after I saw that registration is open!  I'm not even going to Jambo.  Just like reading about it.  Once my cub scout gets of age, I'd like to see him go though.

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I think that by any measure, it is time to change the title of this sub-forum, in which the 2013 Jamboree is still in the future. I will write to Terry about it, but before I do that, we should discuss what the new title should be. Just changing the year to 2017 means that at some point in the future it is just going to have to be changed again, not to mention there is a world jamboree coming up, in July I believe, and someone might want to talk about that. So how about these options:


"Going to the next Jamboree?"


or since the "next" is pretty-much understood,


"Going to the Jamboree?"


or since the discussions in the Jamboree thread will also include "during" and "after" the Jamboree itself, and to take a minimalist approach:




or, we could stay with the current pattern,


"Going to Jamboree 2017?"


Which one (or some other idea I didn't think of) would people prefer?

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I'd leave it pretty generic or we're gong to be going through this hassle every 4 years.   :)

That was my thinking, plus as I said, without the year it also opens up the discussion to world jamborees, though the next one is in about a month and a half so there's not a lot of time to talk about it.


Right now I think I'm leaning toward "Going to the next Jamboree?", it is the closest thing to what we had, without a specific year. But I want to see what other people think. Let's give it until Thursday night and see what we've got.

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