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Non Scout event serving Alcohol, can scouts wearing uniforms help out?


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My wife is putting on a fundraiser for a scouting family in need. We are having a band, and a dj and the local golf course has donated the rooms. The boy the benefit is for is a 14 year old Boy Scout in my troop. This is not a scout event. It was never meant to be a Scout event. We did, however, ask the Boy Scouts to support their friend and help at the event. The problem is the golf course would like to set up an open bar. I personally don't see the problem. The boys will be helping with set up take down and bussing tables. I have one adult that called the District Executive and the situation has become bad. What do I do? Ask the boys not to help, ask them not to have uniforms on, or ask the golf course not to have the bar. The event is tomorrow night.

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One doesn't need to be in uniform to do the scout-like thing. Dump the uniform, wear blue jeans and a scout t-shirt to show your support and don't worry about it. One is there to help out, not promote scouting. People who see an occasional scout t-shirt will put two and two together.



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Make it cyrstal clear to all involved that this is not a Scout event - make it crystal clear to all involved that the lads are not volunteering as Boy Scouts - they are volunteering to help their friend. Make it crystal clear that the lads are NOT to wear their uniforms or any part of it. Make it crystal clear to the boys that they will not earn credit towards service project hours for helping out. Make it crystal clear to the boys and their parents that no one is required to attend and no one will be making note of who came and who didn't (other than the 14 year olds parents who may want to send they lads a thank you note) and it's no harm no foul if parents feel uncomfortable about alcohol being served and would rather their sons not participate. Make it crystal clear that parents and siblings and other friends (if old enough) are welcome to come help out.


While at first glance, Stosh's suggestion of a scout t-shirt seems reasonable, I think I'd suggest that the lads wear something a bit nicer than a t-shirt - a casual button down shirt or polo would be more appropriate.


Lastly, make it crystal clear to the District Executive that it is not a Scout event, that the boys are not volunteering as Boy Scouts but as friends who happen to be Boy Scouts of a friend in need who happens to be a Boy Scout in their Troop, that they will not be wearing the Boy Scout uniform, that they will not be getting any credit towards Boy Scout ranks and to either come by and volunteer and/or donate to the cause or to shut up and mind their own business.

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Boy Scouts cannot help at an event where Alcohol is present. But' date=' why isn't the Golf Club setting up and bussing tables? It's their job.[/quote']


Just because you're a Boy Scout doesn't mean you can't pitch in and help a buddy. "Help other people at all times..." kinda thing.


My former troop met in the restaurant part of a American Legion Post where alcohol was served during every scout activity in the next room. We figured out that it was no big deal.



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Boy Scouts cannot help at an event where Alcohol is present.


I understand your point, but you lose the rule in your paraphrase. Applied to the original post, I think that scouts should not attend as a group in uniform. However, our scouts "help" at Mass a couple of times a year (at least scout Sunday and the Mass before Summer camp), and we have to have alcohol there (fruit of the vine and work of human hands...) in order for it to be a Catholic Mass. Of course before the Catholic Scouts drink it (yes, the Scouts DO drink at this scout function...a Scout is reverent and faithful to his duty to God. :-) ), the priest transubstantiates it.


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I understand your point, but you lose the rule in your paraphrase. Applied to the original post, I think that scouts should not attend as a group in uniform. However, our scouts "help" at Mass a couple of times a year (at least scout Sunday and the Mass before Summer camp), and we have to have alcohol there (fruit of the vine and work of human hands...) in order for it to be a Catholic Mass. Of course before the Catholic Scouts drink it (yes, the Scouts DO drink at this scout function...a Scout is reverent and faithful to his duty to God. :-) ), the priest transubstantiates it.


Way to go miranthis! You just opened a huge can-o'-worms here. I'm thinking it might bring BSA to it's knees!



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Thanks everybody. I was just told there is going to be a bar in another room next to the event. I told the parents to not bring them if they were not comfortable, and those that do no class a. I don't need to go to prison for this. lol

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Here is the official policy from the G2SS


The following statement was approved by the National Executive Board of the Boy Scouts of America: It is the policy of the Boy Scouts of America that the use of alcoholic beverages and controlled substances is not permitted at encampments or activities on property owned and/or operated by the Boy Scouts of America, or at any activity involving participation of youth members.

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