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I have a confession........

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SPL --


I believe you.


To the others:


His youthfulness has been questioned and I don't blame him a bit for this thread.


Back to SPL:


I admire what you're doing and that you've chosen to post here. However, there are several things that have taken me some time to learn about posting here and I would hope you can benefit from my experience and not take questions personally:


1) These forums welcome youth, but are mostly made up of adults. Many of us are skeptical of people we have never met, but who can address a bunch of people and hide behind pseudonyms. I don't think you're hiding anything except your name -- and feel that you are wise to do so.


2) The semi-anonymous format of these forums allows people to place their thoughts in the open without much fear of embarrassment. Some do so more than others.


3) In the past, some people have strongly mis-represented themselves in a variety of ways and that is what drives skepticism. I'll admit that I don't always take face value what someone says they are. I scrutinize writing styles, spelling errors and attitudes evidences as well as consistency among posts from the same person.


I believe you are exactly what you say you are. Keep doing what you're doing, but maintain a thick skin and a positive attitude.


And call me when you look to enter the Scouting profession. You're a natural . . . with the proper training.



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SPL_15, if you have read many of the posts on this forum you would may have surmized from the quality of the posts that the problem doesn't seem to be adults posing as youth but youth posing as adults! Or maybe it is just a case of adults who have never grown up! That happens to be a common occurance with males.

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I don't question SPL's youthfulness - he is quite mature and eloquent. I do believe that he is 14 - to his great credit as he carries it well. In fact I read certain posts with more than normal interest as they are young and thoughful - SPL among them.


Must annoy the heck out of people such as acco describes. As to acco's reference to men being susceptible to immaturity I shall say nothing on the grounds that I might incinerate myself.



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I have seen no reason to believe that you are other than you say. Some adults don't like to believe that there are committed SPLs who care about the quality of their program and must often do big things relatively alone. Keep up the good work and continue to use the resources (like this forum) necessary to get the job done.





Please do not incinerate yourself. Not only would we miss your presence here and have to discuss the headline in the Issues section, but it would stink to high heaven.



"A boy scout apparently set himself on fire yesterday. Democratic presidential candidates comment on this bizarre happening after Oprah."

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