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It was founded in 2006 with the goals of creating a Scouting group based on Baden-Powell's program. I feel it really takes Scouting back to its traditional roots. One thing that has changed, however, is the level of inclusiveness that is built into the program, male and female. Sort of a mixture of BP's Scouting for Boys and his Girl Guides program. Right now, they have about 54 registered units.


As is tradition, the Scouts, once they've no longer a Cub Scout, obtain the rank of Tenderfoot and work towards First Class. This is the highest rank in Traditional Scouting. After that, they begin to work on the George Washington Award.


TENDERFOOT REQUIREMENTS (Comparable to the rank of "Scout"):

1. Know the Scout Law, Promise, Motto, and understand their meanings.

2. Know the Scout salute, handshake, and their importance.

3. Be able to make and know the meaning of the woodcraft trail signs.

4. Know the composition and history of, and how to fly and fold, the American flag.

5. Know certain uses of the Scout staff.

6. Tie the following knows: reef knot, sheet bend, clove hitch, bowline, round turn & two half-hitches, sheepshank; and understand their respective uses.

7. Know how to whip the end of a rope.


One thing that is different however, is that the Scouters are also Scouts, Baden-Powell believed that anyone at any age could be a Scout, and a right good one, and had a program called the Rovers. These Rovers continued to gain skills, earn a small subset of awards which mostly revolve around teaching others scouting skills.


BSA's Star/Life/Eagle ranks don't really go much further than First Class, it is mostly length of time as a Scout, community service, and electives.

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