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One of my scouts...

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So it appears one of my scouts has been showing minor homosexual tendencies, I saw him staring at another boys crotch during a scoutmaster minute on our campout last week. He enjoyed touching the other scouts, and they seem rather offended by his actions, should I talk to his parents? Any help would be a smacker doodle of a help!.

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Um...no. You have no idea what was going on. It could just be guys playing around. It could be that the scout is on the spectrum and does not know what "personal space" is or means. And even if he was gay, it is no reason to intervene and tell anyone about it. If you did OUT him to his parents, who knows what they could do. They could come back and charge you with violation of privacy and think your gay.


Unless there is a violation of YPT or immidate danger of saftey, then stay out of it.

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Regardless of the OP's intent. This is does come up from time to time.


Inappropriate touching can lead to a backlash of bullying. So, this isn't just a problem with one boy, but also his fellow scouts.


The old SM handbooks addressed this more directly, if someone has one to quote, it would help.


Basically, you need to be able to conference with the boy and find out why he's behaving that way. Then you need to conference with the other scouts (SPL PL's especially) and talk to them about calling boys out on inappropriate behaviors before responding in violence. They don't need to be mean when they do it, but they need to address these behaviors promptly. A simple "Not cool, man." may suffice.


This an important lesson for older boys to learn, because it applies to harassment prevention outside of the troop -- especially toward the women in their life. By modelling proper behavior at camp, for example, these guys may be able to help a sister or girlfriend stand up for herself in school or other social contexts.

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Some how I get a feeling that this boy is being overly watched by the SM who seems to be seeing the boy relative to minor homosexual tendencies. If I had an ASM who expressed such ideas to me, I'd be watching the ASM more than the boy.



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So it appears one of my scouts has been showing minor homosexual tendencies' date=' I saw him staring at another boys crotch during a scoutmaster minute on our campout last week. He enjoyed touching the other scouts, and they seem rather offended by his actions, should I talk to his parents? Any help would be a smacker doodle of a help!.[/quote']


The only issue is that he's touching other boys and they feel offended. Talk to the boy about personal space. If it continues, talk to the parents.

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