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Den leader attendance for planning meetings incentives


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We try to keep the Den Leaders out of the pack activities committees like B&G, Pinewood, summer swim, and so on. And in most cases the chair of each activity recruits a couple assistants for the purpose of heading the activity the next year. Traditionally in our pack the 2nd year Webelos parents plan and run the B&G with help of the 1st year Webelos parents. You are right, planning the same basic annual Pack calendar makes it a lot easier. Barry

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Sometimes the organizational structure can give clues to what is necessary to be done:


Blue-Gold Banquet 2015 - FEBRUARY 12, 2015


Supervisor/Chairman: _____________________________________


Program: ____________________________________________ $200 budgeted


Table Decorations: ____________________________________________ $50 budgeted


Helper 1: ________________________________________________


Helper 2:_________________________________________________


Awards: ______________________________________________________ Actual cost of awards will be covered by committee


Catering: _____________________________________________________ $500 budgeted


Or Pot Luck Organizer:__________________________________________


Setup : _______________________________________________________


Clean up: _____________________________________________________


AOL Ceremony:_________________________________________________ Arrows purchased at Pack expense $25 per arrow


Master of Ceremony: _____________________________________________


Publicity: _______________________________________________________ $20 budgeted


Event will be held at 3:00 - 6 pm in theXYZ Church basement located at 123 Main Street



One meeting at the beginning of the year, at the end of which all the sheets of all the activities are collected up, collated copies made and sent to every family in the Pack. Now, everyone knows what's going on who's responsible for what and when, what their duties are and if there are any monetary limitations. Could also include email and phone # on the form to make contacts easier.


A friendly followup a month before the event as a gentle reminder is really all that is necessary. Everyone who signs up for something should know how to mark their personal calendars and make appropriate arrangements. If they have questions, they simply contact the Supervisor/Chairman for further assistance.


From day one, no need for micro-managing, followup, hovering, haraguing, no need to continually make calls to see if someone will do it in the first place. No one burns out by having to "do it all". People can sign up for jobs they might actually like rather than get guilted into doing something because the feel obligated. AND...AND....AND no one is going to call you up and bug you throughout the year trying to get you do do more than you want to!!!!


And the really nice thing about it all. Everyone in the PACK knows who's going to do what, when and where.




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I am a committee events coordinator for my pack that averages 80 scouts. Our pack is going through a phase where our den leaders are attending less and less our monthly pack leader's planning meetings... for our pack wide events. I am looking to create some extra incentives for their attendance. Does anyone have ideas or experiences that could be used to encourage leaders attendance. We have found that with attendance better communication happens among the whole pack.


Make sure the meetings are productive and to the point. Nobody likes going to long drawn out ineffective meetings. Go for email/text reminders, but other than that, if you have low attendance at anything, there is a reason for it. IS the time not convenient for them? Do they feel the meetings are not worth their time?

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