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eagle project

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~~didn't want to seem like I am blowing the horn for my boy's project, but, I am glad its done. And, it may give an idea to someone else, and, it may convince someone to go ahead and take the risk and work on that hard project. 4 weekends is a long haul for a project. but, I have seen, both with him, and other projects that we did when I was SM until earlier this year, that the harder the project, and, the longer the project, i.e., multi day projects, that the boy leader, eagle candidate grows much more during the process than a more simple project. During this project, he became more at ease with his role of leadership and delegation, and control, both with the scouts, and, to a more important aspect, with the adults, who wanted to do their thing instead of his as the project progressed. I always encourage any scout to take the risk, stick your neck out, go for the big project you want to do instead of just something that is easy in order to fulfill the requirement. I think the boys who do take the risk get more out of the experience.

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His brother is trying for USMA or USMMA. This one surprised us recently and said his brother's ideas are growing on him, but wants to look at USCGA or USNA. I told him that if he continues to build upon what he learned during the project, anything is possible and go for it. It is fulfilling watching them grow.

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