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Numbers of Scouts in the troop

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Eagledad, are you kidding?


"The problem with your philosophy stosh is that boys don't start or build troops. A troop is only as boy run as the vision of the the adults driving the program."


Adults do not drive the program, and the vision isn't ours. As adult leaders our job is not to come up with the vision, but rather to provide the youth with the tools needed to make the vision a reality.


Stosh, I know the difference between youth ran, and not, don't worry about that one. It's the whole providing the tools thing, maybe I was providing some instructions on usage. In the end it's all up to the scouts, but the training, and personal growth, we provide/foster, does shape the youth leaders who make the decisions.


Your right stosh, you're mincing words. A good boy run troop requires an adult with vision. Barry
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I've never considered having the youth do the tour plans, but I don't see any reason they couldn't.
I started having my VP-admin do them when they were just a fill-in-the-blank pdf. Then we went to the scouter.org online system, and I have barely learned to use the thing myself! Far as I can tell there is no direct way for a youth to create an account and develop the plan.
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