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Username; acema606

Location: Illinois

Positions in Scouting: Scoutmaster, Pack Committee Chair, District Committee Member at Large, Unit Commissioner, previously a Den Leader for 5 years and I used to be a Bobwhite, and a good old Bowhite too!


I don't know how much I have to offer but I look forward to learning from all of the experience on this board.


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I am the Committee Chair for a cub scout pack we started in Sept/Oct. The pack in this area had tried and failed at least 2 times previously that I know of. I have never been involved in any organization, much less been a Chairperson. I am looking for some advice on what my role/restrictions are. I have a committee member that is putting her fingers into everone elses position. Its to the point that my treasurer has given her resignation. I have tried contacting my BSA rep, but he isn't responding. I really just need some guidance on how to handle this situation and what my role is.




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I am the Committee Chair for a cub scout pack we started in Sept/Oct. The pack in this area had tried and failed at least 2 times previously that I know of. I have never been involved in any organization, much less been a Chairperson. I am looking for some advice on what my role/restrictions are. I have a committee member that is putting her fingers into everone elses position. Its to the point that my treasurer has given her resignation. I have tried contacting my BSA rep, but he isn't responding. I really just need some guidance on how to handle this situation and what my role is.



Have you taken the training for your position yet? As Committee Chair (CC) it might help give you perspective if you also took the online trainings for the other Cub Scout positions.


The committee member with the itchy fingers, what is her exact position? What, exactly, did she do to cause your Treasurer to resign?


What is your Charter Organization (CO)? How close are you to the head of the CO? To the Charter Organization Representative (COR) ?

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