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Weeblos at Troop Meetings


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The Weeblos meet on the same night as my Troop meetings. The Weeblos Leader asked me if it would be alright if my SPL during the opening and after the Scout Oath, if he could ask for the Cub Oath to be recited. He stated that the Weeblos need to recite it in order to remember it and feel part of the meeting. The Weeblos fall in with the Troop so I did not see a problem with this. Most of my Troop were previous Cubs in the same Pack so they know the Cub Oath.


My Committe Chairman, a former Scoutmaster, before me, stated that he did not beleive that it was necessary or fair that the Cub Oath be recited during our meeting by our Scouts because some of our new Scouts were never Cubs and did not know the Cub Oath. I stated that at our Camp Kick Off, the Scout Executive had a Color Guard present the colors which consisted of Scouts, Cubs and Venturers. After the Scout Oath and Cub Oath, we were asked to recite the Ventering Oath, which most of us did not know, but we followed along anyway.


What is the opinion out there on this matter. Should we do the Cub Oath after the Scout Oath or should we just let the Cubs do it and the Scouts remain silent. By the way, we do receive most of our new Cubs from the Pack.

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No, my reason for this is Weblos are to know the Boy Scout Oath, Law, Slogan, and Motto. This a troop meeting so there is no need to recite this. All of them should be going to Boy Scouts so theres no need to do it.


"He stated that the Weeblos need to recite it in order to remember it and feel part of the meeting."


Like i said before also all of them should have there bobcats which make them know the cub scout stuff anyways so there's no need.


"I stated that at our Camp Kick Off, the Scout Executive had a Color Guard present the colors which consisted of Scouts, Cubs and Venturers. After the Scout Oath and Cub Oath, we were asked to recite the Ventering Oath, which most of us did not know, but we followed along anyway."


Thats a council event not a regular meeting so thats why all 3 were recited. If anything they should be particpating with the troop in reciting the Oath and etc. because they will all be in that troop.


I hope that answers your question.


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Weeblos - related to weevils? (Best bumper sticker I ever saw, an entomologist friend of mine had it - "I fear no weevil.")


Weblos - what is that?


Come on people, it is Webelos! Sorry, that is one of my pet peeves. People are always butchering that rank, Webelo, Weblos, Weeblos, etc. It isn't that difficult is it?


Now for the question at hand, you meet on the same night but is it a joint meeting? If so, it should not be. Nothing wrong with reciting the Law of the Pack, Cub Socut Promise, etc. to help the Webelos feel included. But their efforts should be on learning the Scout Oath and Promise.

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While there is probably nothing wrong with reciting the Cub Scout oath I don't see any need to. When I was a Webelos den leader from one of our firet meetings we were reciting the Boy Scout oath, law and outdoor code. I felt that since Webelos is a transition between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts and as I recall, knowing these were part of the requirements to earn the arrow of light, it should be part of what they learned at our meetings. I could be mistaken on the AOL part it's been several years. But I do remember that knowing these are part of the requirements for Tenderfoot rank.


























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I don't understand why the Webelos would still be learning the Cub Scout Oath... should have already had it memorized from being Wolves and Bears. Also, the post wasn't clear on this but I don't understand why your Webelos are attending Troop meetings regularly. Just because they are the same night? Webelos should only be making some troop visits as part of their AOL requirements and finding a unit to join. One of the principles of BSA training is "age appropriate" learning, both for effectiveness and safety in the subject. That is already difficult enough with the range of age 11 to 18 for Boy Scouts without having Webelos age kids (9 or 10 years old) going to troop meetings too.

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There are about as many ways to include visiting Webelos Scouts into the Troop meeting program as there are Troops. If there's a desire to have them involved in an opening, and repeat the Cub Scout Oath, you could simply have the SPL say "Our visiting Webelos Scouts from Pack X will repeat the Cub Scout Oath. Troop X members may repeat it with them, if they desire...".



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As close as Webelos are to bridging and knowing the difficulty of memorizing the Scout oath and law, I think you should really focus on the Scout oath and law. They need to know these to advance in Boy Scouts, so why go backward. That said, if there is a strong sense of pride in what they've accomplished as webelos, there might be room for a little latitude. Guess you have to go with your gut feeling.


(weeblos wobble but they don't fall down)


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Thanks for all your replies, they were all very helpful. The WEEBLOS meet the same night in the same hall as the Troop. They don't share in the same meeting and events as the Troop but they have the same numbers as the Troop and they are our main supply of new Scouts. I agree that the WEEBLOS should be reciting the Scout Law and Promise and they should only worry about the Cub Oath at the Pack nights. Thanks again for all of your help

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To kick it up a knotch...we have a couple of troops that have the Webelos II meet with the Boy Scout troop. They are part of the opening they repeat the scout oath and the pledge. Thay are also part of the closing circle and the scoutmsters minute.


Inbetween opening and closing they meet with their Webelos leader to conduct their program in Webelos II. Timing is set the same as the troop. When the troop has an inter-patrol game the Webelos join in as a patrol.


This is going great, the cross over into that troop is at almost 100%. Everybody knows each other, every knows what is expected, and the new scout patrol comes in shining so bright that the other scouts have to "kick it up a knotch" to keep up. Before they cross over they do visit other scout troops and are given the oppertunity to make that decision, some change but usually only one or two.


Webelos I meet with their pack...


Webleos II meet with the chartered troop. This works very well at bring up new membership keeping the troop strong. There is also a very good exchange going on also using Den Chiefs.


Also another bit that is working is using Eagle Scouts as a "SPL" type figure head in a new troop when all are below the rank of Tenderfoot. This is really looking good...they boys follow. Good selection is important though if using the Eagle Scout.


(edited by Eagle Foot)

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Replying to Eagle Foots Post, that is almost exactly as our Troop and the Pack run. The only differnce is that after the opening the WEEBLOS I and II break off into their groups with their leader and then reassemble when the SPL calls for a "Fall In" for the closing. We also get approxmately 100% turnover from the WEEBLOS into the Troop and I don't want to disturb the apple cart, so to speak. The problem I have is when a nosey Committee Chairman, who was a former Scout master for the Troop, puts his two cents in and I need ammo to counter him, even though he should just mind his own business.

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