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How many committee members?


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For the last 3 years or so, we've been operating our Pack with 5 committee members, including the committee chair, the chartered organization rep, and have let the CM and ACM be voting committee members since we struggled to have other parents volunteer for things. Technically I guess they had several roles as they were duing the duties of "advancement chair", etc. The CM, ACM, and CC are all moving on in February to join a Troop.


We had a huge recruiting year this year, and now that 3 out of the 5 current members are moving on, we have a large number of parents that want to take on some responsibility and register. We ask ourselves where they all were 3 years ago, but that's beside the point. We've got volunteers for a new CC, CM, and ACM, as well as separate people for treasurer, fundraising chair, and activities chair. If the CM and ACM aren't voting members next year, which technically they are not supposed to be, that still leaves us with 6 voting members. There are 3 other parents that want to "do something" and really would like to be on the committee.


So my question is, how many committee members do you have? How many do you think your pack NEEDS? How many is too many? On the one hand I know any adult can register as a scout unit reserve and can certainly be involved in helping the Pack without necessarily being on the committee. On the other, if they want to be on the committee, why not? My only concern is having too many cooks in the kitchen. Meritbadge.org says the minimum is 3, and they have 13 possible positions listed. That seems like a lot of committee members. What do you think? A minor concern is that our bylaws say a quorum is a majority, and if we have a dozen committee members I know there will be times when we don't have 7 of them all show up.


Just thought of something else too, how many people have access to your Pack bank account? Ours is just the CM and the CC since our CC is also the treasurer due to lack of volunteers. Thanks for your thoughts and ideas everyone.

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Bank access - Troop - CC, SM, Treasurer, adv chair... pack - CC, CM, treasurer


How many committee members? We're changing on that this year. We have lots of parents that step forward. The best thing we do is when a parent volunteers for something, we smile, say thank you and get out of their way. We want them to keep helping and not make it more difficult.


The reason it's changing is budget. When I started years ago, it was $9 or $10 to register an adult. 5 committee people was $50. We've grown and added more. Now it went from $15 to $24. At $24, those five are $120. But we actually had seven registered. We're going down to the bare minimum. Unregistering my wife. Unregistering those who only help with one event. Plus we re-register in december. So we are un-registering anyone who's gone in a few months. We are trying to be good financial stewards of our pack funds. And it's alot of money for little return.


Troops and packs need lots of parents to help. Direct contact leaders need to be registered. But official committee members? We'll hit the minimum and be happy.


I'm cutting a $2300 check to recharter the pack this fall. $37 per youth (boy's life included) and $24 per registered adult. We also buy books and advancements for them. Look at the cost of the pins and belt loops lately? We're debating as a pack if we will even buy books for the cubs next year? It's a lot of money every year at $8 per book and most cubs rarely open their books.


Anyway ...units need lots of help and should be open and welcoming. Officially, if they are not direct contact, hit the bare minimums.

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First of all, it's really encouraging to hear someone had a huge recruiting year. With a bigger unit, you will appreciate adults who "take point" for a number of tasks.


Definitely make the treasurer a separate position. For any organization, IMHO, there should be no more than three signatories on accounts.


Adding to what Fred said, only register MC's who are willing to get trained as such and attend roundtables - at least in turns. What you really need of MC's is people who are taking the pulse of the Pack and making sure the boys and the DL's have everything they need for a successful program.

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Our trop went feast or famine. When we had extra help we defiantly used it. You have your normal CC jobs CC, Treasurer, Advancement chair, secretary, Outdoor coordinator, Quartermaster(for us he was involved twice a year in the passing of the gear from one boy to the next to make sure the leaving scout did not leave with have the troop equipment having been broken or taken home to clean or dry and never returned.. and that the new QM gets good training on taking care of the equipment. After that, the boys job).. Extra people meant an Adult Training coordinator, Summer Camp coordinator, Fund Raiser coordinator, (who may or may not also double duty getting med forms updated if no Med coordinator) , Med coordinator (Med forms, and the person on the campout who took care of scouts medicine).


I know one troop who has 50 or 60 scouts and has more then 25 on committee (Plus a bunch of ASM).. For them each fundraiser got it's own coordinator for it, a high adventure coordinator I am sure a few others, and then the real important jobs had Assistants that way someone was trained to takeover when someone in those positions left. And "YES" it is boy run.. Their boys stay until they age out because they stay interested and challenged, the boys do separate patrol oriented camping (it is what keeps all the ASM's busy because otherwise the SM would not have a weekend to himself.).. I have not seen another troops committee assembled, but I would guess we have another local troop the same way.. Both SM are best of friends and have a friendly competition to have their troops outdo each other in excellence.. The troop my son was in was heading into making our troop able to keep up with these two troops, But, then we lost our most excellent scoutmasters (had 2 in a row) and got a bad SM that killed the troop. The troop has a new SM and it is doing better, but still has a ways to go to rebuild itself to it's former glory.

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From the BSA New-Unit Application - "The chartered organization selects one of its members to register as chartered organization representative who may also serve as chair or as unit committee member if needed. All units must have a unit leader and a minimum of five paid youth. There must be at least three committee members, with one named chair. Packs must have a den leader/Webelos den leader/Tiger Cub leader who should be registered as an adult in the pack. The chartered organization also provides meeting facilities for the unit. No one may register in more than one position in the same unit, except the chartered organization representative."


So, to register/re-register as a Pack (in addition to 5 paid youth, and 1 den leader) you will need a MINIMUM of -

1 - Cubmaster (CM)

1 - Charter Org Rep (COR) (who is ALSO REGISTERED as Committee Chair (CC) or a Committee Member (MC)



1 - Committee Chair

1 - Committee Members



2 - Committee Members


The Committee is responsible for a LOT of things. In my mind, if the Pack is not picking up the tab for their registration costs, the more Committee Members the better. The more folks you have helping out, the lower the chance of burnout of overworked volunteers, and the stronger the Pack.


Bank account access should be limited to the CM, CC, and the Treasurer, with all check/money requests going thru/to the Treasurer. If your COR is very active, you might consider putting the COR on your account also, but to me it is not necessary.


It seems the biggest part of your concern is "voting rights", and "quorum" numbers, per you Pack by-laws. Where do you find BSA National stating that a quorum is necessary, or that there should be any "official" voting (with specific persons not having the right to vote) involved in running a Pack?


The Cubmaster, Committee Chair, den leaders, committee members, and the COR, should all be working TOGETHER. Any issues, problems, questions, should be solved thru discussion, and consensus. If you feel a vote of some kind is really needed, it should be more informal (lets see show of hands kind of thing), with no one excluded.


I really recommend purchasing a copy (or 2, or 3 to spread around) of BSA's "The Cub Scout Leader Book". See page # 87 (2010 version) for a description of the monthly Pack Leaders Planning Meeting.




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The Committee is responsible for a LOT of things. In my mind, if the Pack is not picking up the tab for their registration costs, the more Committee Members the better. The more folks you have helping out, the lower the chance of burnout of overworked volunteers, and the stronger the Pack.


I would just tweak that statement a little to say this.. Even if the Pack picks up the registration costs, then they should register the needed positions, but extend it to all direct leader postions for the background checks.. With the cost of registration now, welcome the other volunteers to volunteer without registration. Really do you need your Popcorn coordinator or Summer camp organizer registered to do that position.


Here's a question, can the Institution Head be registered as the COR?? I thought we had done that last year, my son says we registered the old COR although he wasn't in that position anymore when we recharetered. But that is what our group now has, IH is our COR and he is an very involved COR, stops by for about 15 - 20 minutes at each Pack meeting, has come to a few committee meetings, was there for the entire rechartering night. But can we register him in the duel postion.. The Charter organization has selected the IH as the COR..




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  On 11/17/2013 at 8:53 PM, ScoutNut said:
From the BSA New-Unit Application - "The chartered organization selects one of its members to register as chartered organization representative who may also serve as chair or as unit committee member if needed. All units must have a unit leader and a minimum of five paid youth. There must be at least three committee members, with one named chair. Packs must have a den leader/Webelos den leader/Tiger Cub leader who should be registered as an adult in the pack. The chartered organization also provides meeting facilities for the unit. No one may register in more than one position in the same unit, except the chartered organization representative."


So, to register/re-register as a Pack (in addition to 5 paid youth, and 1 den leader) you will need a MINIMUM of -

1 - Cubmaster (CM)

1 - Charter Org Rep (COR) (who is ALSO REGISTERED as Committee Chair (CC) or a Committee Member (MC)



1 - Committee Chair

1 - Committee Members



2 - Committee Members


The Committee is responsible for a LOT of things. In my mind, if the Pack is not picking up the tab for their registration costs, the more Committee Members the better. The more folks you have helping out, the lower the chance of burnout of overworked volunteers, and the stronger the Pack.


Bank account access should be limited to the CM, CC, and the Treasurer, with all check/money requests going thru/to the Treasurer. If your COR is very active, you might consider putting the COR on your account also, but to me it is not necessary.


It seems the biggest part of your concern is "voting rights", and "quorum" numbers, per you Pack by-laws. Where do you find BSA National stating that a quorum is necessary, or that there should be any "official" voting (with specific persons not having the right to vote) involved in running a Pack?


The Cubmaster, Committee Chair, den leaders, committee members, and the COR, should all be working TOGETHER. Any issues, problems, questions, should be solved thru discussion, and consensus. If you feel a vote of some kind is really needed, it should be more informal (lets see show of hands kind of thing), with no one excluded.


I really recommend purchasing a copy (or 2, or 3 to spread around) of BSA's "The Cub Scout Leader Book". See page # 87 (2010 version) for a description of the monthly Pack Leaders Planning Meeting.



All good stuff here. There is no mention of votes or quorums in the CSLB or the Troop Commitee Handbook. I stopped the practice years ago. It's all consensus. No consensus? Table the matter until the next meeting. Still no consensus? CC decides with input and guidance from the CO or COR, if necessary.
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What's the old answer: As many as you need?


And, don't worry about quorums or voting rules, etc, unless that is a requirement of your CO or some other authourity, like the JAG office for units on military posts. As others have said, consensus is a better method than hard and fast votes.


As for the checking account, our old pack had to have four signers (bank said so). So we had, CM, CC, Treasurer, and Advancement Chair, but only the Treasurer had the checkbook, and there was no way to do any electronic banking or have a debit card. Again, bank rules.

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  On 11/17/2013 at 8:53 PM, ScoutNut said:
From the BSA New-Unit Application - "The chartered organization selects one of its members to register as chartered organization representative who may also serve as chair or as unit committee member if needed. All units must have a unit leader and a minimum of five paid youth. There must be at least three committee members, with one named chair. Packs must have a den leader/Webelos den leader/Tiger Cub leader who should be registered as an adult in the pack. The chartered organization also provides meeting facilities for the unit. No one may register in more than one position in the same unit, except the chartered organization representative."


So, to register/re-register as a Pack (in addition to 5 paid youth, and 1 den leader) you will need a MINIMUM of -

1 - Cubmaster (CM)

1 - Charter Org Rep (COR) (who is ALSO REGISTERED as Committee Chair (CC) or a Committee Member (MC)



1 - Committee Chair

1 - Committee Members



2 - Committee Members


The Committee is responsible for a LOT of things. In my mind, if the Pack is not picking up the tab for their registration costs, the more Committee Members the better. The more folks you have helping out, the lower the chance of burnout of overworked volunteers, and the stronger the Pack.


Bank account access should be limited to the CM, CC, and the Treasurer, with all check/money requests going thru/to the Treasurer. If your COR is very active, you might consider putting the COR on your account also, but to me it is not necessary.


It seems the biggest part of your concern is "voting rights", and "quorum" numbers, per you Pack by-laws. Where do you find BSA National stating that a quorum is necessary, or that there should be any "official" voting (with specific persons not having the right to vote) involved in running a Pack?


The Cubmaster, Committee Chair, den leaders, committee members, and the COR, should all be working TOGETHER. Any issues, problems, questions, should be solved thru discussion, and consensus. If you feel a vote of some kind is really needed, it should be more informal (lets see show of hands kind of thing), with no one excluded.


I really recommend purchasing a copy (or 2, or 3 to spread around) of BSA's "The Cub Scout Leader Book". See page # 87 (2010 version) for a description of the monthly Pack Leaders Planning Meeting.



Yup, I was thinking the same thing. Don't let politics get in the way of running a great program for your kids. We register the minimum number of committee members to help save on costs. Our treasurer is one of our committee members, so they can be background-checked. The other 2 committee members are usually assistant den leaders by function, but they are committee members by name on the paperwork. "Voting" hasn't been an issue for our pack. We even invite just regular ol' parents to come to the committee meetings and their input is given equal weight with all others. The parent whose input is valued is more likely to get involved next year. Consensus is the way to go, and if it can't be reached, then the ones who are most impacted by the decisions are usually given favor.
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We have 13 folks I think registered, den leaders + CM, ACM, CC, CO Rep

Our CO Rep is completely not involved, except to sign apps when we chase him down.

So that makes 12 "active"

take away 3 DL's and a few others that never participate in the committee mtgs

that leaves us with approx. 7 active committee members. 7-13 is Not a bad number in my opinion IF they were all energized and very active. Sadly, they are not in our case. They are present and moderately active at best.


I do feel like it would be possible to have too many general committee members with no specific "title", but how many is a good question.


the old 80/20 rule.... with say 45 boys as an example would mean a pool of maybe 80 parents considering a few brothers and a few single parents or parents that travel for work.

20% would be approx 16 active parents. Decent rule of thumb I think


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