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Where I can I find the Scout/Adult Conduct Agreements?

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I konw thats not the official title, but I'm looking for something to see if it exists. Many people have told me something about it.


It says that an Adult can not threaten a scout in anyway shape or form for that reasons of following their position.


Its the lady this time, and I've been told at my next meeting with the Leaders (our Quatermaster, Scribe, PL, and APL) she will try to interfere. And I know she will threaten me if I ask her to excuse herself.


This will be 30-mintues before our meeting starts, and so the SM wont be there, and hopefully the parents will just drop the kids off, but I know that one will stay.



If there is anything that even hints about this subject please give the website that I could possibly find it on.

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You will not find a tool to control a rude adult in any scout handbook. You will only find how you can respond. Here are some suggestions.


The troop (unlike a patrol which has no adult oficers) has an adult in charge of the program, the Scoutmaster. The troop leadership should not be meeting without the SM present. So to avoid a confrontation, do not gather until the SM is there.


Next if she should confront you, listen politely to everything she has to say, then thank her for your input and for her concern, and then go on with your meeting. Just because she says something it does not require you to act on it. Be friendly, be courteous, be cheerful, and go on with your responsibilities.


It is not your responsibility to control adults. Your job is to help the other junior leaders work together and be successful. Your Scoutmaster needs to control the program. That's his/her job, you need to stay removed from this adult conflict.


Your Scoutmaster, if trained, knows that there is only one adult who should interact at a Patrol Leaders Council and that one adult is the Scoutmaster. Your Scoutmaster needs to stand-up for himself or herself, you cannot do that for them.


Good Luck,

Bob White

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I agree its not your fight to take on, yet it seems like you are the one in the the line of fire.


From what you wrote, you said no other adults will be around, one thing you could do is say that according to BSA Youth Protection guidelines, a single adult cannot be alone with a scout or scout(s). Thats a fact and she needs another adult to attend your meeting. Hopefully that will slow her down until your SM shows up.

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As a general rule, random parents should not interfere with the operation of the troop or butt into PLC meetings. A contrarian view would suggest that parents have a right to at least know what is going on, and to observe activities in which their children are actively involved. Of course keeping oneself informed as a parent or observing an activity is not the same thing as actively interfering or verbally attacking a youth leader. Does this person have a son who is on the PLC?

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How does the rest of the PLC feel about this? What does your SM say? Who is this?


I would sit down with your SM & discuss your concerns. I would also discuss having the PLC draft a set of rules & regs for the Troop.


Ed Mori

1 Peter 4:10

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First, her son is the Quartermaster, see, the meeting wasn't a PLC, is was a Leaders Couseling, and if there are any adults around they dont want to epress their true feeling for some reasons.


Also, the PLC wants her out, the SM wants her out, and the entire Committee except for her and her husband want her out, but then the politics come in, and since they will hopefully be transferring in the next 6 months, we're tryin not to start an uproar.


Talked to SM, and since they hopefully will be leaving soon, he siad to just play it by ear, and just try to get them out without makin a big scene.


Then when the boy leaves, the mom and the dad( volunteer ASM) will leave, and I will personally ask our former ASM to rejoin us, since he gave up his postion because that same boy had cause him to pressure on his heart. But with the boy gone, everything will go ever so smoother, and he hopefully wont have any more heart problems.




So I guess do any of you ahve anything i can ask of her when she comes in that cant have any sounds of sarcasticness or being disrespectful.


I have to admit, she has made all of us Venturers thinking about quiting the troop for a while until she had left more than once. I wont quit Scouting because of her though. Never will I do that.

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You are using terms we are not familiar with. What is a Leaders council in a troop if it is not a Patrol Leaders Council?


There are no Venturers in a troop, there are Boys Scouts. Venturers are in a Crew whic is not a patrol in atroop but is a totally separte unit holding its own separate Charter.


So what exactly are you? What is your Role in the Troop. If this wasn't a troop PLC what was it?



Bob White

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Ok, im going to explain everything in details.



At our Summer Camp I had a Counseling for our Leaders(PL, APL, Scribe, and QM) I did this so for my JLT Ticket requirement. I told them there would be a follow up conseling. This is the follow up conseling. Not another council.


Second, Venturing patrol. When the Summer Camp was in gear, we were still a Venturing Patrol. When I said "us Venturers", I mean the people who were in the Ventuer Patrol, who are also now in our Venturing Crew.


I am the Senior Patrol Leader for Troop 15

I am a member of Troop 15

I am a member of Crew 15

I was formerly a member of Pack 15


Here are the only positions, and if you think i forgot some, I dint, we dotn have all the ones we're supposed to have.





Assistant Scoutmaster (3)

Troop Secretary

Troop Treasurer

Junior Assistant Scoutmaster (1)

Senior Patrol Leader

Patrol Leader (1)

Assistant Patrol Leader (1)




thats it.....



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As far as where the Scout/Adult Conduct agreements are, I don't think you need to look any farther than the Boy Scout Application.


The Scout signs the front, saying he's "...read the Scout Oath or Promise and the Scout Law and promise to observe them." There's your Scout conduct agreement.


As far as the parent is concerned, if this particular parent is, through her input, attempting to provide "leadership" to you, any other registered Scout/Scouter, or the unit as a whole, take a look at the "Information for Parents" on the application. It says in part that "Scouting's adult volunteers provide leadership at the unit...level." It goes on to say that "Leadership is restricted to qualified adults who subscribe to ...the Scout Oath, and the Scout Law."


If this parent's behavior approximates "leadership", and she's not registered, you have an issue. If she were registered, and not conducting herself in accordance with the Scout Oath/Law, you have another issue. Resolving the issue is the responsibility of the adult leaders, working together.


good luck,



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First, she is on the Committee, but I dont think she is registerd.


Second, the conseling in tommorrow, and if she does interfere, i will act. This goes deeper than jsut scotuing, it goes to my family and my education. In my position, i lead the troop, but i also protect the troop. If she verbally attackes one of the scouts, I will act and so will the JASM, my fellow Eagle canidate. We have received the same training, and we feel we should now act. The SM wont be in the Conseling, and she will find some way to sneak in. It is now time for us to act. If the adults, who will? We will.

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"First, she is on the Committee, but I dont think she is registerd."


To be on the Committee, she must be registered. Otherwise, she has no official standing with BSA.


" she will find some way to sneak in. "


I skimmed this and couldn't if her son was involved in your session. If he is then she doesn't have to sneak in as no meeting may be closed to parents. This is where the problems start. If you can't keep the parents out, how to you keeps a disruptive parent out?


Maybe you need the help of a large adult who can figuratively sit on this person.

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Our JASM is the Door Guard.


And there use to be a group of people in our troop called the Biggin Honor Soceity, and there have been no more than four in there, and I am one of them. And the other two are away at college so then im the only BHS left in the troop.


We have requirements too!!




So then if she is on the Committee, does she hold leadrship? We only acknowledge the Secretary, Treasuer, Scoutmaster, and Assistant Scoutmaster as leaders on the Committee. See, our Scoutmaster will always be our Scoutmaster due to that no one beleives there is anyone better in our Council(because there isnt) thank god for that!! And he also the head man on the Committee. See, here's our thing, when a parent signs their son up, they are automatically put on the Committee, but we dont acknowledge them as leaders.


If you post in the next hour or two, ill post the requiremts for the Biggin Honor Society :)

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I'm a JASAM in my troop. I want to give you some advice, scout to scout.


In any troop there will be an adult who is disruptive or just plain annoying to the scouts.


Sometimes it's the scouts fault for not understanding and sometimes it is the parents fault for not understanding the idea of 'Boy Run'. Some parents find it very hard to understand, more so mothers, that 13-16 year olds run a troop when they got used to Cub Scouts.


My advice is too let it go. Nothing can be blocked out from parents, not even an OA Ceremony. I would attempt to take her advice and, if proper, use it. The only way for anything to grow is by experiment.


This adult leader might be trying to do what she thinks/believes is best. However, I would ask the SM/Committee Chair to see if they can talk this adult leader into taking the Committee Challenge Training.


As for the adults responding to this post. We all know that parents love to know what is going on. We all also know that some actually enjoy going to Committee Meetings, not as members, but as parents. As scouters it is important to accomadte these parents, and, since they enjoy coming, assit that they sign up to do SOMETHING since SOMEONE is also complaining that a certain area doesn't have work efficently.



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