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New Webelos 2 scout - now what?


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Our pack had a boy move into town and never did cubs before. He is a Webelos 2 (5th grade). He & parents want him to crossover with the other kids in the spring. Do you all think this is possible? I get the feeling his kid could do it and would benefit greatly from scouts. Don't want to have it not work out though....never experienced this before

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Absolutely he can do it. He may need to cover some of the material that you've already gone over but he only needs 8 activity pins. I assume you already did Fitness and Citizenship. He'll go camping with you, right? and you've planned to meet with other Troops.


Fitness, Citizenship, Readyman, Outdoorsman, Mental Skill (Scholar), Tech Group (Handyman) and two others. That's just about one a month.

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He can cross over when he turns 11, regardless of what rank he earns. Otherwise if he's interested, he can earn Webelos and AOL in a minimum of 9 months, so September to May, which is about the same as "completing the 5th grade", and join then. He can maintain Cub Scout registration, and attend Troop meetings/activities as a guest of the Troop with the other boys from his Den/Patrol, as he finishes AOL requirements if he wants it.

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Actually, if he is motivated, he can earn BOTH his Webelos badge, and his AOL, in a minimum of 6 months (not nine). That would put him finished in March, 2014.


If he turns 11 before then, all the better. He can join Boy Scouts when he turns 11 without having earned AOL..

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Our pack had a boy move into town and never did cubs before. He is a Webelos 2 (5th grade). He & parents want him to crossover with the other kids in the spring. Do you all think this is possible? I get the feeling his kid could do it and would benefit greatly from scouts. Don't want to have it not work out though....never experienced this before


Crossover is no problem if he's 11 or will be 11 by the time of crossover. If he won't be 11, at the time of crossover, then he needs to get his Webelos award and his Arrow Of Light. It is possible, on my second go-round as a W2 leader, I had a boy go from new to scouts to Arrow of Light by March (when they crossed over). Takes a motivated scout/parents to do that, though.

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He can cross over when he turns 11, regardless of what rank he earns. Otherwise if he's interested, he can earn Webelos and AOL in a minimum of 9 months, so September to May, which is about the same as "completing the 5th grade", and join then. He can maintain Cub Scout registration, and attend Troop meetings/activities as a guest of the Troop with the other boys from his Den/Patrol, as he finishes AOL requirements if he wants it.
Doesn't take 9 months, but 6 months. Never says that you have to wait 6 months after getting Webelos badge, says 6 months after completeing the 4h grade.
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You guys are losing sight of what is important here.


Is it that silly patch?


or the lads experience in scouting?


For me it is the boys experience, I would encourage him to work towards it, but if you push advancement too hard you risk losing him. Far as crossing over into the troop. I would absolutely let him cross over with his den. Even if he is a couple of months too young...but I would speak with the Scoutmaster about it. we have had lads who were guest of the troop for a couple of months till they were old enough......And honestly I have turned in apps for boys who were 10.5 no AOL to council and they were not returned.


At this point you need to stop thinking like cub leaders and think about creating a band of brothers, a patrol and how that is best served. I believe holding him back will do more harm than good.

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