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New my.scouting.org release


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Still no Administrative Delegates and a couple of months late, but hey this is still great.


Current Functionality

New Release – August 2013

New tools for Key 3 organization administrators:

  • Training Manager - view dashboard of position trained leader status and Youth Protection Training status by organization level, add training, and print member’s training certificate(s).
  • Organization Manager(previously known as Organization Profile) - create and manage unit’s organizational structure (dens, patrols, groups, crews, squads, committees, etc.). District/area/council organizational structure will be in a future release.
  • Member Manager - assign functional roles to members in each unit’s organizational structure, and manage roster.
  • My Dashboard - adult member can update additional profile information in My Profile, and view his/her training records (not just YPT).

Existing Functionality

  • Member can update personal contact information (e.g., address, phone, email).
  • Organization administrators can update member contact information, post announcements and enter calendar events for their organization.
  • Unit and district members can print membership card(s) for positions within their organizations. Except for:
    • Executive Officer
    • Administrative, and
    • Non-registered ‘functional’ roles

    [*]Unit’s chartered organization and their representative are identified, and Key 3 can enter unit social media contacts (Facebook and Twitter).

    [*]Key 3 can select and view roster by adult, youth or unit, and filter by position.

Coming Soon!

  • Key 3 will be able to grant 3 additional registered leaders (referred to as Administrative Delegate), the authority to update information.
  • Council administrator(s) will have ability to update news/announcements related to their council to be viewed by all members in their council organization structure.
  • Member will be able to associate multiple member IDs with an account.
  • Email alerts will be sent when calendar updates and announcements are made, along with providing calendar reminders, training expirations, and more.
  • Key 3 will be able to send targeted communications (i.e. by position, organization, custom list, etc.)
  • Key 3 will be able to record and report advancements and awards, and view advancement dashboard.
  • Parent and youth will have access to view their personal profile information and youth advancements.



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I don't see anything that great.


Why exactly would I want to do this on my scouting???? Why would I want to put dens and patrols in?????


I can tell you that I would never ever put my parents email addresses in it. I discourage them from putting it on the application as well....As it is used for the FOS beat down that occurs every year.


At least since we started putting our own advancement in it isn't all screwed up.

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Grand though it may be, it's still not attuned to youth-led units, especially venturing, I need registered YOUTH to perform these functions!


1. President and VP-Admin manage the organization.

2. VP Program fills out tour plans. All I do is read and sign.

3. VP Communication maintains address list and sends targeted messages

3. Historian tracks awards and recognition.

4. Treasurer places orders for advancements and arrange for payments.


Until I can assign youth to have "first-line" access, and their respective adult "shadow" to get notifications as YOUTH perform these functions, you're wasting my time.

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I dont see why anyone would think trusting a bsa site with being responsible for things like calenders, contacting members or having accurate information would actually be a good thing. Seems they just want more and more personal information from all the members/parents and really arent providing anything new or particularly useful.


Scouting needs less bureaucracy not more.

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  On 8/31/2013 at 6:03 AM, Kristian said:
I dont see why anyone would think trusting a bsa site with being responsible for things like calenders, contacting members or having accurate information would actually be a good thing. Seems they just want more and more personal information from all the members/parents and really arent providing anything new or particularly useful.


Scouting needs less bureaucracy not more.

I'm not too bothered about data mining. Anyone who thinks that's not happening with shared google documents or Facebook events is Internet naive.
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  On 8/31/2013 at 6:03 AM, Kristian said:
I dont see why anyone would think trusting a bsa site with being responsible for things like calenders, contacting members or having accurate information would actually be a good thing. Seems they just want more and more personal information from all the members/parents and really arent providing anything new or particularly useful.


Scouting needs less bureaucracy not more.

Right with you, qwasze! Same goofball that kept trying to ram Picasa down my throat (rather than local storage) and routed half of everything we did through other Google services was beating down my door when I absentmindedly congratulated 2 youth on our website by first and last name. It would have been fun to point out the irony, but I was a good boy that day.
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Not sure if this is just me, but my account (as a Unit Key 3) shows a really pretty pie chart showing that 50% of my unit's leaders are trained. However, I can't find a way to get a list of the 50% who aren't trained, and the list of training courses they need.


The integrated approach is a nice idea, but it's not very useful and it's really pretty buggy. We'll see what happens with it in a few years (or whenever the BSA puts enough resources on this).

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  • 2 weeks later...

I couldn't find my CC listed in there but when I called the service center he was in their system. IOLS included YPT last may, but is not listed as updated in the old system. I have not filed my updated paperwork yet even so I am officially just a MC in the troop and an ADL in the pack but I must have key 3 status because I could change the profile of a DL. The % of leaders trained thing is a joke.

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