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Is camping in a cave camping?

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  On 8/12/2013 at 10:20 PM, packsaddle said:
We have done the cave overnight thing in the past. The 'sanitary' issues are troubling enough to the boys and the leaders that we now opt to do the caving thing and then camp outside the cave in tents. Seems to remove all the ambiguity as well as the 'sanitary' concerns. The food is better too.
Nope, not bat. That is beginning to sound more and more like a hotel to me.....
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  On 8/12/2013 at 10:20 PM, packsaddle said:
We have done the cave overnight thing in the past. The 'sanitary' issues are troubling enough to the boys and the leaders that we now opt to do the caving thing and then camp outside the cave in tents. Seems to remove all the ambiguity as well as the 'sanitary' concerns. The food is better too.
I see teachable moments being passed up on this topic.... consider WAAG bags and urine bottles as a solution
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  On 8/12/2013 at 5:28 PM, Basementdweller said:
So we are still stuck splitting hairs and words to meet the bare minimum requirements for rank advancement.....



How about you don't worry about it and have the PLC plan an active program....More camping than the resident camp and a spring and fall campout.



In regards to you guys camping in winter, Check out the cold camping resources on Scouting.org. Also check out some of the older BSHB and FBs.


While it's heavy, it's warm even when wet, WOOL ROCKS! Army surplus blankets help a lot.

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KDD, I am having a really hard time understanding your concern or for that matter what is the point. Your PLC has planned the trip probably not knowing or caring whether or not

it "counts" for anything. It sounds like they are trying to be creative and are trying to do cool boy stuff. The mental image of the parents and IH sitting around analyzing each move the boys and Scoutmaster makes is a mind bender. I cannot recall our IH ever discussing scout matters other than to thank us for Scout Sunday. No offense intended just trying to understand where you are coming from

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  On 8/13/2013 at 1:47 AM, eaglewolfdad said:
KDD, I am having a really hard time understanding your concern or for that matter what is the point. Your PLC has planned the trip probably not knowing or caring whether or not

it "counts" for anything. It sounds like they are trying to be creative and are trying to do cool boy stuff. The mental image of the parents and IH sitting around analyzing each move the boys and Scoutmaster makes is a mind bender. I cannot recall our IH ever discussing scout matters other than to thank us for Scout Sunday. No offense intended just trying to understand where you are coming from

Camping MB and National Outdoor Awards camping badge.
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  On 8/13/2013 at 1:47 AM, eaglewolfdad said:
KDD, I am having a really hard time understanding your concern or for that matter what is the point. Your PLC has planned the trip probably not knowing or caring whether or not

it "counts" for anything. It sounds like they are trying to be creative and are trying to do cool boy stuff. The mental image of the parents and IH sitting around analyzing each move the boys and Scoutmaster makes is a mind bender. I cannot recall our IH ever discussing scout matters other than to thank us for Scout Sunday. No offense intended just trying to understand where you are coming from

Bingo 99, might I also add OA eligibility.


Did not have my IH hat on at the meeting, just Committee member and parent hats on. I have only worn my IH hat once and that was selecting a COR (form signer)


Oh these guys care if it counts, or did when they needed it to. They just won't camp in cold weather, or do anything beyond the BFM (bare minimum). IMO.


Not enough people signed up for August event so it was cancelled, not replaced or postponed. If inclement weather forces a a cancelation for an event it is not rescheduled, just dropped. I can see this troop ending up with 8 or less camping nights this year.

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sleeping in a cave is reasonable for campout as others have stated however if it is a hotel in a cave thats a different story.

Even if you only camp as a troop 4 or 5 times a year you can still get the merit badge it will just take longer. If you think it too low ask the SM an PLC to step it up.

Its not a race to eagle.

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  On 8/12/2013 at 5:28 PM, Basementdweller said:
So we are still stuck splitting hairs and words to meet the bare minimum requirements for rank advancement.....



How about you don't worry about it and have the PLC plan an active program....More camping than the resident camp and a spring and fall campout.

BD, is it possible for you to ever simply answer a question without making a snarky comment about how poor you think someone else's program is? I mean, we know that you're God's Gift to Scouting, that goes without saying, and your troop runs the best program around, but just save us from it all once in a while, eh?
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  On 8/12/2013 at 5:28 PM, Basementdweller said:
So we are still stuck splitting hairs and words to meet the bare minimum requirements for rank advancement.....



How about you don't worry about it and have the PLC plan an active program....More camping than the resident camp and a spring and fall campout.

I am finished buying scouts not my own gear to use......I have bought somewhere between 30-50 sleeping bags for them to use....some of them were given to the boys to keep, which were left in the yard or trashed by sibs or sold on craigslist, I have kept some at home and taken care of them.......the hours of cleaning and drying bags....then the boys who have accidents in them and don't bother to tell ya.......


We go thru this year after year.......First the boys don't have a proper winter coat. or hat or gloves. We have some show up to our winter hike in tennis shoes and sweat pants despite weeks of being told not do do that...We had a lad show up of a sledding event in basketball shorts and a sweat shirt.


Our local walmart just cleared out all of last years long johns.....a buck a piece.....I posted it to the troop website and sent an email while standing in front of the display......Not a single scout purchased any.....

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  On 8/13/2013 at 4:15 AM, Scouter99 said:
Not every trip your troop goes on is going to meet muster for NOA, Camping MB, or OA. There just needs to be an understanding that when it comes time, you're not giving credit where it was not earned.
Yep......speaks to the low quality of the program.....



The boys don't deserve it.

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  On 8/13/2013 at 1:47 AM, eaglewolfdad said:
KDD, I am having a really hard time understanding your concern or for that matter what is the point. Your PLC has planned the trip probably not knowing or caring whether or not

it "counts" for anything. It sounds like they are trying to be creative and are trying to do cool boy stuff. The mental image of the parents and IH sitting around analyzing each move the boys and Scoutmaster makes is a mind bender. I cannot recall our IH ever discussing scout matters other than to thank us for Scout Sunday. No offense intended just trying to understand where you are coming from

If they care tell them what it takes.....


If they really care then they will change their program to actually meet the requirements.


The awards they or you want are not about the bare minimum.


So why don't you just forget about them....and give them the program they want and deserve.......

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