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National Outdoor Achievement Badges and Award

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See that's an example of something that appears to be a community event, not a scout unit, district or council event--but it is supported and attended heavily by scout units. So we would talk it up in scout meetings, and get the SM on board to count it for the award. That would be something I'd think of as an exceptable under the auspices that isn't technically a scout event.



Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event.

However You Must apply BSA Rules

They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming

They Observe BSA Guidelines

Of course, it is "under the auspices" because the unit has made it an event.
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See that's an example of something that appears to be a community event, not a scout unit, district or council event--but it is supported and attended heavily by scout units. So we would talk it up in scout meetings, and get the SM on board to count it for the award. That would be something I'd think of as an exceptable under the auspices that isn't technically a scout event.



Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event.

However You Must apply BSA Rules

They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming

They Observe BSA Guidelines

yes I agree. the default is events at troop, district, council, OA etc

but occassionally a community or church event could become "under the auspices" with a little work by the unit/patrols.

But just for fun stuff doesn't count cause it's not auspicious enough. ;)

auspices is a weird word, isn't it?

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Under the auspices......Means during a scouting function or event....as mentioned earlier....


your out of line again. You should discuss it with your son. Maybe coach him how to approach the PLC about it and maybe help him promote it. But the bottom line is the boys need to decide to do it. If they say no.....then shelve it for a year and then bring it back up.........



In my opinion it is a far superior award to Eagle. the award means a lad has took his BSA experience and got every last drop of adventure. I would like for my son or a member of my troop to earn it....But they simply are not interested in it.


Being short sighted as young men are.

It is pretty obvious my son every lad in my troop is.....
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See that's an example of something that appears to be a community event, not a scout unit, district or council event--but it is supported and attended heavily by scout units. So we would talk it up in scout meetings, and get the SM on board to count it for the award. That would be something I'd think of as an exceptable under the auspices that isn't technically a scout event.



Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event.

However You Must apply BSA Rules

They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming

They Observe BSA Guidelines

I didn't think it was so weird until yesterday :p
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See that's an example of something that appears to be a community event, not a scout unit, district or council event--but it is supported and attended heavily by scout units. So we would talk it up in scout meetings, and get the SM on board to count it for the award. That would be something I'd think of as an exceptable under the auspices that isn't technically a scout event.



Everything does not have to be strictly a Scout Sponsored Event.

However You Must apply BSA Rules

They Obtain a Tour Permit prior to Coming

They Observe BSA Guidelines

I agree...


Taking something so simple


Then Try to apply the Guide to Advancement too it.....


Just because a scout wants to earn the outdoor award does not automatically make absolutely every time he swims, boats bikes or camps apply...


He's got to do it with the scouts in some manner.

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Interesting arguments while I took the holiday off. I hope my paragraphs stay. Given Chris's response from Scouting Magazine it appears for the extra mile/hour/nights those requirements that do not fall under the Merit Badge must be at an "event". Given a decently active program and interestED scouts earning the rocker is hard in some cases but can be done. The camping rocker is not all that hard as it is only 5 more nights than the Camping MB. Lets now turn to the devices. The gold and silver are important for qualifying for the Medal. How are they earned ? It has already been established that there is no restriction on long term vs short term nights for the extra camping nights. Requirement 4 for camping clearly has auspices. What is the requirement for extra devices ? "A gold device may be earned for each additional 25 nights of camping. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 nights of camping. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of nights camping" Any mention of short or long term nights ? Any mention of auspices? No. The same language is used for all the other devices except for Adventure. Why is that? Lets look at the riding badge. If one were to only cycle and not ride a horse what would be required ? The cycling MB is 150 miles total. (No requirement for auspices on the distance rides). Requirement 2 is cycling MB plus 100 miles. Requirement 3 is Complete 200 miles of riding activities, either on a non-motorized bike or a stock animal, under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including the miles in requirement 2. So 150 + 100 =250 so requirement 3 is met with 50 to spare. Only 50 miles need to be under the auspices in this scenario. Easily do able in a troop/patrol setting. The 200 miles needed for two gold devices would be quite a bit more difficult to get your troop/patrol to do. But there is no requirement for auspices for the gold or silver devices. I believe that is on purpose. Just as auspices is not included in the distance rides for the cycling MB. "Exactly as written" Lets look at aquatics 4. Earn at least one of the following merit badges: Canoeing, Kayaking, Rowing, Small-Boat Sailing, Whitewater. Complete at least 25 hours of on-the-water time, applying the skills that you learned in the merit badges. No auspices requirement here. You can easily rack up 25 hours of on-the-water-time working and practicing for two or three of these MB. Requirement 5 Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4. So this includes The 25 hours from requirement 4 so only another 25 hours need to be done under the auspices. That's not some huge mountain to climb. A troop should be able to provide that in their program or at camp. Again no auspices requirements for each 25 hours of aquatic activities. Let the boy go for it. Why hold him back ? I believe the Committee knew exactly what they were doing when writing theses rules. Encourage a robust troop program with a emphasis on outdoor activities that allows those Scouts that want to really "go for it" the opportunity to do so and earn devices and possible the Medal if they want to go for the additional requirements for the medal. Wilderness First aid and LNT trainer are substantial courses.

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Interesting arguments while I took the holiday off. I hope my paragraphs stay. Given Chris's response from Scouting Magazine it appears for the extra mile/hour/nights those requirements that do not fall under the Merit Badge must be at an "event". Given a decently active program and interestED scouts earning the rocker is hard in some cases but can be done. The camping rocker is not all that hard as it is only 5 more nights than the Camping MB. Lets now turn to the devices. The gold and silver are important for qualifying for the Medal. How are they earned ? It has already been established that there is no restriction on long term vs short term nights for the extra camping nights. Requirement 4 for camping clearly has auspices. What is the requirement for extra devices ? "A gold device may be earned for each additional 25 nights of camping. A silver device is earned for each additional 100 nights of camping. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of nights camping" Any mention of short or long term nights ? Any mention of auspices? No. The same language is used for all the other devices except for Adventure. Why is that? Lets look at the riding badge. If one were to only cycle and not ride a horse what would be required ? The cycling MB is 150 miles total. (No requirement for auspices on the distance rides). Requirement 2 is cycling MB plus 100 miles. Requirement 3 is Complete 200 miles of riding activities, either on a non-motorized bike or a stock animal, under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including the miles in requirement 2. So 150 + 100 =250 so requirement 3 is met with 50 to spare. Only 50 miles need to be under the auspices in this scenario. Easily do able in a troop/patrol setting. The 200 miles needed for two gold devices would be quite a bit more difficult to get your troop/patrol to do. But there is no requirement for auspices for the gold or silver devices. I believe that is on purpose. Just as auspices is not included in the distance rides for the cycling MB. "Exactly as written" Lets look at aquatics 4. Earn at least one of the following merit badges: Canoeing, Kayaking, Rowing, Small-Boat Sailing, Whitewater. Complete at least 25 hours of on-the-water time, applying the skills that you learned in the merit badges. No auspices requirement here. You can easily rack up 25 hours of on-the-water-time working and practicing for two or three of these MB. Requirement 5 Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4. So this includes The 25 hours from requirement 4 so only another 25 hours need to be done under the auspices. That's not some huge mountain to climb. A troop should be able to provide that in their program or at camp. Again no auspices requirements for each 25 hours of aquatic activities. Let the boy go for it. Why hold him back ? I believe the Committee knew exactly what they were doing when writing theses rules. Encourage a robust troop program with a emphasis on outdoor activities that allows those Scouts that want to really "go for it" the opportunity to do so and earn devices and possible the Medal if they want to go for the additional requirements for the medal. Wilderness First aid and LNT trainer are substantial courses.
Sorry about that. I even tried pasting from a text file.
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Except for the camping MB and the Adventure activities, the Merit Badges such as hiking, cycling, orienteering etc have absolutely no requirement for within scouting. So the first bit does not necessarily take place within scouting. The middle bit does, and they make absolutely no mention of scouting for the last bit. Do you think this is an error on the part of the authors of the MB requirements and the authors of the NOB ? How many times to we hear "requirements exactly as written" ?

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Complete 100 miles of hiking or backpacking under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including miles hiked as part of requirement 2.


Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4

  1. Complete 10 of any combination or repetition of the following adventure activities under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America:

Every single segment has an under the auspices line....Not sure what your looking at???????





So I will send my request for them to add the verbage under the auspices to the gold devices as well..... But it completely stupid that they need too.....you would think that in the main requirement is the only place it should be needed.


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I wonder why?

As for the Way it is written Maybe they assumed to much...Like Assumed Nobody would try and Sneak in the Family Holiday at the Beach at the Hilton as Camping. Like trying to Sneak in The Family Pool without Following safety Rules..Maybe They assumed that since the Initial Segments were earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America people would understand without having to write that the Gold and Silver would also be earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America.

Why Did they Have to Write in each section.. Earn First Class?

Ever Stop and think this award was designed to be earned over time...segments first..followed By Gold..then Silver..Then National Medal for Outdoor Achievement


I wish they Had this when I was a Scout..but I am Happy to Have the 50 Miler, Historical Trails and the Paul Bunyan awards..NO METALS :(

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Complete 100 miles of hiking or backpacking under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including miles hiked as part of requirement 2.


Complete at least 50 hours of any combination of swimming, canoeing, kayaking, rowing, small-boat sailing, or whitewater activity under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America, including time spent in requirements 2 through 4

  1. Complete 10 of any combination or repetition of the following adventure activities under the auspices of the Boy Scouts of America:

Every single segment has an under the auspices line....Not sure what your looking at???????





So I will send my request for them to add the verbage under the auspices to the gold devices as well..... But it completely stupid that they need too.....you would think that in the main requirement is the only place it should be needed.

A gold device may be earned for each additional 50 miles hiked. A silver device is earned for each additional 200 miles of hiking. The Scout may wear any combination of devices totaling his current number of miles hiking.
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I wonder why?

As for the Way it is written Maybe they assumed to much...Like Assumed Nobody would try and Sneak in the Family Holiday at the Beach at the Hilton as Camping. Like trying to Sneak in The Family Pool without Following safety Rules..Maybe They assumed that since the Initial Segments were earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America people would understand without having to write that the Gold and Silver would also be earned under the Auspice of the Boy Scouts of America.

Why Did they Have to Write in each section.. Earn First Class?

Ever Stop and think this award was designed to be earned over time...segments first..followed By Gold..then Silver..Then National Medal for Outdoor Achievement


I wish they Had this when I was a Scout..but I am Happy to Have the 50 Miler, Historical Trails and the Paul Bunyan awards..NO METALS :(

Our friend RichardB from National criticizes us constantly for assuming.
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