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Scoutmaster-assigned leadership projects for Star and Life ranks

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What examples of good, scoutmaster-assigned leadership projects for Star and Life ranks can you share, please? We have a scout who has put himself in a calendar dilemma on his path to Eagle. His only option at this point is to complete a scoutmaster-assigned leadership project to complete the Life rank in the next 2-4 months to set himself up for a 6-8 month period to complete Eagle Scout requirements prior to his 18th birthday near the end of April next year.


I am the scoutmaster, and I'd like to offer the scout some appropriate leadership projects that are meaty enough to be valid. Any ideas or examples, please? I know this needs to be unit-specific to "help the troop," but some examples would be helpful. Thank you.

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Non-standard tasks that are usually reserved for adults, such as being in charge of a fundraiser for the troop, or an intensive summer/fall recruiting project in coordination with a local Cub Scout Pack. Put in charge of a renovation/cleaning/reorganizing of a troop trailer/supply closet. Since we're talking about a 16-17 year old, this may be more at their level. Maybe see if the local District needs tasks done.

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How is the troop storage situation??? Could it use a good cleaning and cataloging?????

We are responsible for maintaining our CO's playground, Put him in charge of the work crew that takes care of it over the summer??


Or how about volunteering at the Districts Cub day camp.......That might be a suggestion....

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Take charge of lining up Summer camp. Pick the camp, collect the money, register the MB's, arrange transportation, coordinate gear, and set up arrangements for next year.


As mentioned, take over the popcorn/fund raiser project.


Coordinate a High Adventure activiity for the older boys.


Organize a mini-eagle project of his choice. A nice milk-run for the Eagle project to follow.


As a last resort for the boy-led SM, ask HIM what he thinks is a worthwhile project to do.

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I had a guy who took some of the Scouts who were behind their peers in rank and held instruction to help them get over the hump/caught up.


But your OP suggests that the reason for the appointed project is because the fellow is short of time and you're looking to skirt the time requirement. I don't believe that is proper. Even if it were, it's a bad idea/precedent. If this fellow is Star and only has 10 month until his birthday, you need to let him know time has already run out on Eagle. Also note appointed leadership projects are not an option for Eagle at all.

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No, the requirement is hold the Position of Responsibility for 6 months, OR carry out the Scoutmaster-assigned leadership project. The leadership project need not be 6 months in duration (my interpretation, I do not have a "Guide to Advancement" handy.)

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My read is that the alternative requirement is for boys who have been active in the troop for the required time, but PORs weren't available to him. So ask yourself, has this boy been of some good (about six months worth) to the troop as a star scout? If yes, then any of the above are worth the time suggesting. If the boy just showed up today after being absent since his last board of review, you should offer to help him work to finish out a life scout with a legit POR for the duration.

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  On 6/12/2013 at 1:53 AM, qwazse said:
My read is that the alternative requirement is for boys who have been active in the troop for the required time, but PORs weren't available to him. So ask yourself, has this boy been of some good (about six months worth) to the troop as a star scout? If yes, then any of the above are worth the time suggesting. If the boy just showed up today after being absent since his last board of review, you should offer to help him work to finish out a life scout with a legit POR for the duration.
while that is good guidance....I think about Krampus and his parent led troop.


Like Fehler, my read is that the boy does not need to have a six month long project of significant duration....But he needs to show leadership and teach others during its course.

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I suppose you can apply "or" to whatever part of the main requirement you wish. If you read that to make the time period optional too, that's the SM's call. And I can imagine situations where that would be appropriate -- like a really intense leadership project which packs a great deal of effort into smaller time frame, or a scout whose time is running out through no fault of his own. But if the Scout simply procrastinated or didn't take advantage of leadership opportunities when they were presented, why would you turn the option into a get out of jail card?

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Some boys simply aren't people oriented and tend to have difficulty in dealing with leadership dynamics. Therefore I reserve the project option (management vs. leadership) for them. A project can be accomplished with very little leadership requirement. For example, the boy "takes lead" on a park clean up project. He sets the date and time, and makes sure everyone in the troop is aware of it. When everyone arrives at the park he has all the equipment there and a map to hand out to each PL as to what section of the park they are responsible for cleaning. He instructs the PL to place the full bags by the road where the adults with the pickup truck will pick them up and haul to the dump.


How much leadership? None, but he has done a fantastic job of organizing and managing a task that needed to be done. Any patrol leader that calls out to his patrol, to follow him to their section to knock out their job has demonstrated more leadership than the organizer.


Not all boys can do POR's and so for me this option was not for the lackies that wanted a free pass on responsibility. Time requirements are for leadership which is lead people for a period of time. Management (projects) doesn't need time requirements. When the responsibility of fulfilling a task is done, it's done. It may day a couple of days, weeks, or months depending on the scope of the task. Good managers can get the job done quicker than poor managers. But time is not an issue.



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You bring up a good point that the requirement is for a position of responsibility not necessarily leadership, per se. The Scouts you describe may do a great job as quartermaster, scribe or historian without necessarily exercising a great deal of true leadership or even interaction with the other boys.


There is certainly a lot of flexibility in the option (which is obviously it's purpose), but out of simple fairness, the scope of the project needs to be on a par with a 4-6 month POR. Leading a group on a one-day clean up project could easily be lesser in scope than what the PL puts into one of six monthly campouts. But, then again, maybe not. Our troop's participation in Scouting for Food is a huge undertaking and is run by one of our senior Scouts. It is on a par with an Eagle project. The Scouts who run it start planning at least three months out. They deal with the town, the council, the cub leaders (the pack coordinates with us on the collection), publicity, follow-up, etc. etc. In the two years we've run it this way, the two Scouts who have run it did so out of a desire to lead and serve, not advancement credit. But I would absolutely give POR credit for it. But we would probably call them ASPL/Scouting for Food and avoid the issue entirely.

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We had a scout in similar situation. At that time there was no leadership position for Leave No Trace, so I gave him the job of leading the training and getting the younger scouts through the requirements. I think about six kids and four adults came out of it with our LNT patches/thingys....

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