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GOP sez pregnant at 17 is A-Ok


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Please show me where the GOP or the family have said this is OK and are celebrating. The family has said she made a mistake, and she is going to live with that mistake for the rest of her life. They have stated she is going to find out very early how hard it is to raise a child, that she is going to grow up much faster than they had planned. She is going to have the baby and marry the father. I'm curious, SMT224 - what else would you have them do?

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I agree with Barack Obama on this one. Mrs. Palin is running as a Vice Presidential nominee, not her daughter. The actions of her chidren are a non-issue.


If someone wants to question Sarah Palin or McCain's decision to add her to the ticket - how about questioning the decision of a 43 year old woman to have a baby? Did daughter Bristol decide to emulate mom? The belief that global warming is not human caused. The belief that creationism should be taught in public schools. Her admitted marijuana usage. Her belief in abstinence only sex education in schools. Pro-life belief - oops, sorry - she believes in capital punishment.


I'm not trying to glorify or bash her selection but the actions of her daughter should not be where the debate goes.

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Guest OldGreyEagle

Didnt Biden admit he plagerized back a few elections ago? Does him being a VP canidate mean the Democrats say that claiming another's work as your own (sometimes known as theft) is ok?


Actually, having a Vice President or a President who has family issues lets me know they understand today's domestic issues. Wasnt it number 41's amazement at the laser reader at the grocery store checkout line that hurt him in his re-election. That he was so amzed by what most of us had accepted as commonplace hurt him because it showed him detached from the "regular guy".


Hey, this just out, Dick Cheney has a lesbian daughter.

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It is in the grace in which we choose to handle our mistakes that attests to our character. We all make mistakes. Not all of us step up to the plate to correct or own up to them - heck some even go on to have a successful political career (but I wouldn't want to drive anywhere with him!).


They could have hidden her away somewhere or they could be honest with it, come out and say "Here we are, it is what it is". I am glad they were open and honest. Who knows what lessons will come out of this. Do we teach our youth to shun people that make mistakes, or do we go forward and see what they have learned from this.


As with any youth that make a mistake, how we handle it is very important. Love the person, hate the sin. Don't get that confused, there are too many youth counting on us.

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I guess Mrs. Palin believes in the sanctity of life with caveats.


Right now, a fetus is not an unborn child wrt our legal system - can't take a tax credit for it, can legally abort under certain circumstances, etc. So, we can argue about the morality but the legality is fairly black and white.


I'm guessing that if one believes that capital punishment is "moral" (no doubt that it is legal and is not legal depending on which state in the USA) and should be legal then they believe that humans should decide who lives and dies. The argument is just in deciding the criteria of such decisions.


As for myself, I could never understand those who proclaim to be "pro-life & pro-capital punishment" or "pro-choice and against capital punsihment." Making such blanket statements seems mutually exclusive to me.

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"As for myself, I could never understand those who proclaim to be "pro-life & pro-capital punishment" or "pro-choice and against capital punsihment." Making such blanket statements seems mutually exclusive to me. "


that'd be a big part of the reason why i won't proclaim myself a supporter of either party.


-how many people die from capital punishment each year in this country?

-how many abortions are performed?

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Guest OldGreyEagle

Acco, maybe you can explain this to me. If I as a driver hit a vehicle with a pregnant woman as an occupant and the fetus dies, I can be charged with murder or manslaughter or some such thing. If I hit the vehicle and the woman and fetus survive, the woman may contunue on to her destination, an Abortion Clinic.


Is there a disconnect here?

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OGE - I don't proclaim to understand why our laws seem so absurd. Yes, you are correct, how a fetus is observed in the eyes of the law does not seem to be consistent.


The best "pro-life" argument, in my mind is that trying to pick a timetable for when a lump of cells becomes a legally protected entity is difficult to defend. I can always present the one day earlier or one day later argument. For example, if trimesters are used - why legal on Wednesday but not on the following Thursday (assuming trimester ended on Wednesday).


Conversely, those who are pro-life/anti-abortion with the 'except for' caveats - health of the mother, rape, incest, health affliction du jour, etc.


For myself, I'd like to see a politician come out and clearly state "I don't know" when asked about the issue.

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CrewMomma, the "open and honest" part is not quite clear. The only reason they came out with this information when they did is that for the previous 48 hours, rumors had been flying all over the Internet that the mother of Trig Palin (born April 2008) was not Sarah Palin, but 17-year-old Bristol Palin. (I alluded to this, and linked to it, but didn't actually say it, in another thread, before the rumor was debunked.) There was actually some evidence for that, but like some things for which there is evidence, it turned out not to be true. Unfortunately, the only way the Palin family could conclusively prove it wasn't true was by announcing that Bristol is five months pregnant. Who knows when they would have announced it otherwise? The baby is due after the election.


Not that it is anybody's business but the family's. Unfortunately when one is running for national office, in our 24-hour-news-and-Internet society, there is no such thing as privacy, for the candidates or their family members. It's almost a surprise that anyone still runs.


And, just for the record, I don't think this news says anything about the Republican Party's stance on teen pregnancy. It just proves (as does Joe Biden's forgetting to attribute a quote 20 years ago) that politicians (and their families) are human beings with the same problems as everybody else. Perhaps more so, or so it seems sometimes.

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