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Does the BSA Have a Position on Abortion?

Jason OK

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Sad.....so sad. My heart hurts for you. There is such a huge world of peanut butter out there and there you sit with such apathy and lack of understanding. You will be in my thoughts. I'll gladly mentor you in the fine art of eating large spoonfuls of superior peanut butter if you wish.

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I never said push the boys to the forefront and use them as shields. I just said there's nothing wrong with a youth organization making a stance on a moral issue, in particular when that issue affects children. And even if that were the result (Scouts being confronted by pro-choicers), at worst it would force the boys to think about what they believe.


On a realistic note, do I believe the BSA will do this? I doubt it seriously. But if they did, I'd have more respect for them, not less.


Also on a realistic note, I doubt that your 11 year old is as clueless about babies as you believe.

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I would agree about the fall into place thing except for one instance.

Merlyn_LeRoy or Worm Food (I say lovingly)does not believe in any existence of God. Hence her being an Atheist. Maybe she is just an anomaly the BSA Matrix has spit out. Maybe she is the ONE! NEO. If so we will find out. She will spread like a VIRUS. Take control of the system. When we look up reverence in the Scout Hand Book her picture will be there. She will command us all to bow down to her. She will be GOD! Sorry....I was writing Matrix 4 (The BSA version)




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Speaking of brewing your drink, I recently acquired a Coleman drip coffee pot, that works on a stove. It takes about 10 minutes to brew a really good pot of coffee. Sure beats waiting for the old percolator to finishes perking on a cold day in the woods. The only draw back is that it has a glass pot, looking for a good stainless pot to replace it with. It will only be a matter of time before the glass would get broken. PB and apple and coffee black!

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But that is exactly what would happen as it already has. Remember that there are Cub Scouts under the BSA umbrella also. Do you want a Tiger Cub to have to consider his views on abortion? Political issues is NOT what Scouting is about. You are projecting your own agenda onto the program.


I know my son better than you. Trust me, he doesn't know how babys are made. He knows what I've shared with him so far. He is VERY frank with me in asking questions about what he does hear from his peers.

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SR540 raises a good point. While my almost-13-year-old son does know "the facts of life" (though I don't think he really understands, which is about where I probably was at that point), I am fairly sure he does NOT know what an abortion is. For that matter, and Rooster related the two, I am fairly sure he is completely oblivious to the entire controversy over gays in Scouting. He appears to know the things that are appropriate for him to know at this point, and not much beyond that. I think Scouting teaches my son the things that are in the realm of Scouting (which is a wide enough area as it is, and does include some "personal" things as self-protection from sexual abuse), but I do not need Scouting teaching him things that are outside that realm.


Now, since I have come suspiciously close to discussing abortion in this thread, something I will not do, I think I will bow out at this point. Even the discussion of peanut butter, which I helped perpetuate as a light diversion at the beginning, seems to have taken an alarming turn.

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Do not take for fact what the gentleman from OK posted concerning pb. I for one believe that the PB discussion is the most relevant thread in a while.


firstpusk - my wife will no longer allow me the pleasure of brewing any longer. Says the smell makes her ill. Are you a dark or light fan? Nothing beats a good stout.

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