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ACLU Re-Defines itself!

Jason OK

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Too bad that's not their agenda though. If it were they would not be against so many religious concerns. I can understand if you do not like Rush but do not be blind to the evil of the ACLU. They take some great stands on defending only "parts" of the constitution.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)

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It softens there agenda in the publics eye.


Jason, what about when the ACLU fought (successfully) for the rights of American Nazis to march in a community with a significant population of Jewish survivors of Nazi concentration camps? Was that also intended to "soften their agenda in the public eye?" I don't think so, and in any event, I can tell you from personal recollection and later reading that the effect was just the opposite. The ACLU in fact lost many members (30,000 if I recall correctly) and many of their largest financial contributors as a result of their stance in favor of freedom of speech. (I wasn't too happy with them at the time either.) The executive director of the ACLU at the time (himself a Jewish survivor of the Holocaust) wrote a book about all of this, entitled "Defending My Enemy: American

Nazis, the Skokie Case, and the Risks of Freedom." The lead ACLU attorney in the case also was Jewish.


In the annals of "principled actions," I'd say what the ACLU did in the Skokie case ranks in the top few in history. They fought for the rights of people who would just as soon see them put in concentration camps. And as far as "public relations," the ACLU did just the opposite of what any "image consultant" would have told them to do.


The ACLU also has defended free speech rights of the KKK and other groups whose ideologies are at the other end of the spectrum from most ACLU members.


And, Jason, I don't even know what to say about the post with which you started this thread. It is just foolish.

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Just another little note, although the film "The American President" is not among my favorites (perhaps because my wife and daughters have watched it on tv/video at least 20 times in my presence, and who knows how many times in total), it has a great speech about the ACLU. I agree with everything Michael Douglas's character says about it. Putting what he says in the context of this thread, Jason, they even defend your right to call them "evil."

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I will confess I am not well Versed in the complete history of the ACLU. I said they should defend the religious rights of others. I do not care about Nazis or KKK members. When they try to erase GOD out of our society I have a problem with it. 10 Commandment symbols on city seals ect. ect. ect. Do not preach to the choir concerning our civil liberties. You can not pick things out of the constitution and decipher them as you will. NOT all Jewish people are practicing Jews either. Most Hollywood elites are Jews....Seculare Jews in fact. No, don't turn this into anti-Semitism. MY lord warned against it and I fully support my brothers.(This message has been edited by Jason OK)

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My problem with the ACLU is sometimes they ask questions of the court that when answered makes for bad law and or bad public policy in other cases. Jason I agree with what you are trying to say but I also agree with NJ. You may not always agree with the ACLU but you don't want them gone, the same can be said of BSA.


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