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Supremes Rule on Pledge


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Moi-lin, I know what an ellipsis is but that has nothing to do with your misplaced commas. If you knew that the comma didn't belong, you should have indicated that to show that the original quote was wrong. Obviously, you don't know much about anything which is a common problem among liberals.


Suppose that you tell us what a fact is? Is "1+1=2" a fact?



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Hey, Fathead Old Guy, I already told you I didn't write that, so quit whining to me about it, I have no sympathy for your personal problems. If you'd like to write to the people who write it, go right ahead.


And Ed, if a fact is anything believed to be true or real by anyone, you end up with contradictory facts, which isn't very useful.

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n 1: a piece of information about circumstances that exist or events that have occurred; "first you must collect all the facts of the case" 2: a statement or assertion of verified information about something that is the case or has happened; "he supported his argument with an impressive array of facts" 3: an event known to have happened or something known to have existed; "your fears have no basis in fact"; "how much of the story is fact and how much fiction is hard to tell" 4: a concept whose truth can be proved; "scientific hypotheses are not facts"



Source: WordNet 1.6, 1997 Princeton University


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Personally, I don't think God puts too much emphasis on human derived territorial boundaries. Was Alaska, Hawaii and Oklahoma not "under God" and now they are? What did God do during the Civil War? Who is in charge of updating God's USA map? Does He (feminists forgive me) recognize a 12-mile or 25 mile or even a 200 mile territorial limit? All those who profess to know "the truth" please enlighten me.

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Moi-lin, as a pedantic liberal you should know that it is your obligation to point out errors in anything that you quote so that your readers know that you didn't err in copying it. Since you didn't identify the error, you must not have known that there was an error which means that you're stupid or that you don't read things that you're quoting which would also mean that you're stupid.


Bye now, cartoon boy. Go home to your husband.



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Huh? I really don't want to take this thread to a religious discussion we have had in the past so I will make the assumption you question are rhetorical.


And, Merlyn, based on #4 in Scouter Paul's last post, if there is no God, how do you explain why we are here?


Ed Mori

Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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What does "one Nation under God" mean? Does it mean that the U.S. is somehow "under God" in ways other countries aren't? (I think that's what acco40's question may be asking.) If that's its meaning, as a Christian I don't think it's true. Does it mean that God is sovereign over all nations? If that's what it means, I guess it's a limitation on the Pledge of Allegiance. Or is it just sort of a tip of the hat to God, to make us feel superior to the Godless Communists? Ironically, the last definition is the most likely to form the basis for an eventual Supreme Court ruling that the phrase doesn't have to be removed from the Pledge ("ceremonial deism").

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You haven't completed the Zoroastrianism Religious Service Award (offered by BSA) yet, children. Please don't argue religion until you understand it. If you truly want one nation INDIVISIBLE, you would take the divisive phrase "under God" out of the pledge. It should not offend true believers as they do not need such trivial mantras as the pledge of allegiance to affirm their faith. It would also allow for true separation of church and state. Having the state involved in any way in religious matters leads to fundamentalist and intolerant states such as are found in the Middle East.

Hey, Rooster, why would you want to belong to an organization that would tolerate recognition for such infidel religions such as Hinduism and Buddhism?

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