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Storage Solutions


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I need a place to store the Pinewood Derby track, the rain gutters for the regatta, and I'm not entirely sure what all else. I think renting a self storage locker is too expensive. I think the smallest one I found is $40 per month. I think we could probably do about $60 per year. My dad is a scoutmaster in Michigan. I think they store most of the scout stuff in a trailer and keep it locked up and parked in the back of the church parking lot. Our chartered organization (Kiwanis) doesn't have a meeting space, so that solution wouldn't work for us; although, I really like the idea of a trailer. It would easily transfer to the next Cub Master or Pack Committee Chairman. I'm posting here to ask what it is that you all do with all your stuff. Do you just make some room in your garage? Add a shed to the back yard? Piece it out to the families?

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In my exerience it is best to have it stored at a "neutral" site such as a (donated) storage or a trailer. I have seen a Pack where it was stored at a garage blow up and then the person in possession of the track treat it as his property. If you are fortunate enough to have an affiliated Troop maybe you can share some storage space there...

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Negotiate with the storage company. They might be able to write off giving you guys a small space or give it to you at a reduced rate.


Trailers are pricey. As pointed out the upkeep, registration, etc., is not easy or cheap. Brakes are expensive to fix and if you get electric brackes only certain trucks with tow packages can tow them.


I'd talk to storage companies and see what they can do for you.

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Storing anything in a trailer is stupid. I can't believe you are suggesting it.


How many times do you read here or in the local paper about scout trailers being stolen and contents never being recovered?????


Not sure where you live, but that trailer is not climate controlled....if your pinewood track is wood it will destroy it in short order. Ours got stored in someones garage and the changes in humidity and temperature destroyed it, warped and delaminated.

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Storing anything in a trailer is stupid. I can't believe you are suggesting it.


How many times do you read here or in the local paper about scout trailers being stolen and contents never being recovered?????


Not sure where you live, but that trailer is not climate controlled....if your pinewood track is wood it will destroy it in short order. Ours got stored in someones garage and the changes in humidity and temperature destroyed it, warped and delaminated.

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Many possibilities here:::

1) Maybe the Kiwanis Club has a member that could "host" a Scout shed in their back yard. Approach them about buying and setting up. Home Depot is very Scout friendly and will negotiate a discount purchase. Other Shed people might also.

2) Trailer: Most of the pro/cons and concerns are discussed above. If not in the back of the Kiwanis parking lot (make sure trailer has lots of locks on it and has lots of painted verbiage on the outside)., maybe a member can "host" it in his driveway/back yard.

3) I like the storage company ideas, if they are local/close enough. We used this for CSDC some years back to good effect. The company was about one mile from the site and they gave us a very good deal.

4) I frankly like the shed idea over the trailer. It all depends on how you can arrange it.

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We've had a back burner discussion going on this exact issue.

We have a trailer and use it when we go camping to bring the coolers, grilles, plates, and all sorts of misc stuff.

We have a small PA system, the derby track, and maybe a few other things taht just don't need to go camping every time.

We have been intending to ask the church for a location on property someplace for a small storage shed. It wouldn't have to be very big......

I'm thinking even something like this.


Might be a tad too small, but something close maybe.

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I'm in my 2nd Pack, and was invovled with 2 Scout troops before (1 as a Scout, the other as an ASM) We always had either a trailer or scout-shed. A small room can store a LOT of stuff...and while I have also seen a rise in the theft of Scout Trailers over the recent years...if the Pack/Troop insures it...you will usually be okay. (if the worst was to happen)


However, in order:

1) Have a storage room inside the building

2) Have a Scout Shed with lock

3) Trailer (Well Secured, with 2-3 different locking devices and lots of Identifiying marks

4) Storage at a person's home

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Thanks for all the ideas. Our meeting place is an elementary school. I do not beleive they would give or rent storage space to us. They are always short on space themselves. Our chartered organizaiton, the Kiwanis, don't have their own meeting place. I think they meet at the library or a restaurant. One member of the pack owns a boat yard. It might be possible to build a shed there. I think we've already asked to use some space in one of her barns, but they are all full. Temperature control might be a problem. I live in Oregon. It doesn't get very hot or cold here very often, but it is very wet almost all the time. I think our best bet is going to be a rental space. I'll ask again if there is any way we might be able to afford it. I'm intrigued by GSDAD'S comment that the storage company donates the space in exchange for free advertising the blue and gold program. I'm not sure what that means. I'm not sure we have a blue and gold program. Do you mean a sheet of paper that you pass out to everyone attending listing the various activities: flag ceremon, eat, advancement ceremon, etc.? We don't have anything like that, but we could. We do have an associated troop. I will ask them how they store their stuff.

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