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question about age requirements concerning eagle


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I am currently a life scout working towards eagle, and I will be turning 18 VERY soon. I have been told that if your

eagle project was approved that you could work on it after your birthday i was told by a different person that if you had submitted your project you could work on it past your 18 birthday. is there any truth to either of these...also how long does it usually take for an eagle project to be approved after submitting

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Extensions beyond the 18th birthday for any of the Eagle requirements cannot be assumed; you must request any extension or waiver as far ahead of time as possible, and receive something definitive (preferably in writing) through your District Advancement Committee before you consider it a "done deal".


I'm going to make an assumption, that you're active in a Troop. I recommend you talk to your Scoutmaster as soon as possible. He (or if he's designated one, an ASM who "shepherds" the Life-to-Eagle Scouts in your Troop) will be your conduit to the District Advancement Committee.


I've seen Districts allow the BOR past the 18th birthday if all other requirements were complete beforehand, but no other requirements -- that's just my experience.


Expect and be prepared for a pushback. After all, the requirements and their timing are not a secret. Assuming (again) that you joined at 11, you had the same seven years everyone else did to get there. Hopefully, you had extenuating circumstances other than setting different priorities for yourself. If not, I suggest steeling yourself for very little spare time until your birthday...


Good luck;



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The requirements for Eagle are: unless as KS said there are extenuating circumstances. You have until your 18th birthday to complete any merit badges for the Rank of Eagle. (ie: you can't work on any merit badges or get them signed off after you turn 18. Your Eagle project has to be completed before your 18th birthday. You have up to 3 months to complete your Board of Review for the Rank of Eagle after you turn 18. Also, do you have 6 months from the time you earned Life to your 18th birthday. If not, you can't earn the Rank of Eagle. There is one other thing. If you are in Special Education Classes, check with your council. In some cases you can work on Rank Advancement past the age of 18.


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As far as i know you can only get your BOR after your 18. In my Council its 3 months after the birthday and if its not completed by then a written reason must be submitted by an adult asto why it wasn't conducted before the 3 months were up for an extension.

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I suspect that how you phrased your Council's practice was not exactly how things are. I'm guessing that in your experience, most of your friends finished all of the requirments for Eagle right at the deadline - Their 18th birthday. That being the case, then a BOR obviously cannot be completed before a Scout turns 18.


However, I am certain that if the boy finished his requirements enough before his 18th birthday to allow the Council to do all of the things they do in the process of arranging a BOR, it can happen before a Scout turns 18. Heck, even my Council wouldn't drag their feet 3 years if a Scout were 15 when he turned his application in!



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My understanding is everything must be completed and turned into council by midnight of the day before your 18th birthday. A Scout can have his BOR after his 18th birthday but he only has 90 days after his birthday to have his BOR.


Ed Mori


Troop 1

1 Peter 4:10

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