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Decision delayed


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Look, I have my gripes about how national and local councils operate as much as the next scouter. But the BSA is between a rock and a hard place right now. It's obvious......at least to me....that the possible change in policy is financially driven. BSA has always enjoyed support by the business community. Many of those businesses are politcally correct because to do otherwise would make them a target of activists just like the BSA. So in order to keep vocal customers happy, said businesses start telling the BSA that until they change their traditional ways, they can no longer support them financially. BSA has to make a decision of how to keep the lights on and starts mulling over the change. The other side of the equation is that the majority of the charters are churches....some of who might support the change and some who might not. Now they have to consider how much loss of membership they might incur as opposed to how much financial support they are losing. It's a tightrope they are walking. I would assume that the delay is due to having heard from the rank and file membership who say they will leave. I don't envy the decision makers.

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Doesn't the goundhog get to go back in his den and sleep till then? Sounds like a plan.


Letting the 1400 members vote at the national meeting has to be be better than 15 on the executive board.


Does anyone know who the voting members are or how they are selected? I'm assuming council reps.

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"If I am following all of this correctly, at least we have a survey of the council positions, something I have never seen before."


How come I'm not getting the warm fuzzies with councils being involved? Ours wrote the book on can kicking and finger pointing. It will be another excuse for a non decision come May, blame it on someone else. It's not the yes or no, (our unit doesn't care what is decided, we will do what we've been doing) what bugs me the most is the clowns in TX letting this fester. Lets shoot this dead horse so the media can pick on us for something else, such as teaching kids to use fire arms (what the media calls weapons) or how to burn stuff.


Hey Wayne; how about you grow a pair, step up and be a leader.



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I am encouraged by this whole thing. It seems to me for the first time in at least a generation National is trying to get input from the entire Scouting family.

MomtoEli posted earlier this decision should not be made by outsiders like me, but by the insiders. I am in total agreement with that. But until now it looks to me

like the policy decisions have been made by a small group of people on the executive council. Now the BSA appears to be actively reaching out to the volunteers.

Now maybe we will get a real picture of what BSA volunteers and parents really want from this organization.

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I am encouraged by this whole thing. It seems to me for the first time in at least a generation National is trying to get input from the entire Scouting family.

MomtoEli posted earlier this decision should not be made by outsiders like me, but by the insiders. I am in total agreement with that. But until now it looks to me

like the policy decisions have been made by a small group of people on the executive council. Now the BSA appears to be actively reaching out to the volunteers.

Now maybe we will get a real picture of what BSA volunteers and parents really want from this organization.

Wasn't every member of the BSA at one point an outsider? *I'm trying to use Humor. Just trying to be funny* I can't get the face icons to work yet.
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SR540 I don't think many folks would argue that this is all driven by the dollar. The folks with the deepest pockets have to most to say in this.


"Changes nothing for me.


I will continue to welcome all scouters and scouts irregardless of the color, religious beliefs or sexual preference."


Funny Basement, i think you speak for most of us.



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I saw this coming. The executive board is probably just as divided on this issue as everyone else. But the fact the it was even considered is progress. I don't know why they think that there will be any difference in consensus in the general meeting in May.


- The BSA acceptance of gay leaders in inevitable as more society is becoming more and more accepting of equal rights of gay Americans. There is not reversing this trend.


- ]We interact with gay people is all aspects of our society including our houses of worship, schools, grocery markets, the military, YMCA, after-school sports programs, Boys & Girls Clubs, etc. I'm not sure whey certain people are afraid of allowing gay leaders and scouts in the BSA.


- 70% of the COs are religious in nature but only because schools and parent/teacher organizations no longer sponsor troops and packs because of the gay ban. If the ban is lifted hopefully we can get Scouting back into the schools. That would be a great source for new scouts.

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I am reminded of the quote, attributed to Pauline Kael, "How could Nixon have won? Nobody I know voted for him!" Maybe she said it, maybe not, but the same sentiment is here. One side says" How Can they Change this postion" and the other says, "They have to change the position"


And what happens as we "discuss" the issue. Replete with Slams, Insults, all manner of prejudgement and assumptions. Now the gloves are off. The taboo formally know as the Gay Issue is on the table. Tme to find out what our communities think. Both our Scouting and Larger Public Community. Each Council has to find out what would happen either way. Does the BSA stay with the staus quo and chance a rival program starting, do they change the membership requirements and then chance losing several volunteers and units.


Reminds me of an Ancient Chinese Curse, "May you live in interesting time" ...[ -- most peculiar, mama


One thing I have to say, when members of the general public tell you the BSA should change, be sure to ask them if they would give $100 to the local council in support, for the next 20 years. Vocal support is good, financial support is best


But we will all remember we are all scouters, and will treat each other as such

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