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Debugging and Suggestions for new SCOUTER.com

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I was going to reply to my last post with "odd, it just worked", but it said I wasn't allowed to post a reply fo 30 seconds. I guess that's one way of preventing double posts. Another way would be to compare text between the previous post and the incoming one, and only send a warning if they match.


So, if this takes my reply, I'm going to try and respond ot MomToEli's pleasant little topic.

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I got the error again after two successful post. It said JSON ... Illegal character. I'll try to paste here and see if I can replicate it:


I tried to reply earlier, but got an error that seems to be fixed (for the moment).


BD - some boys take more pride in these particular awards than Eagle scout or venturing Silver. Drives parents nuts. Gives me the giggles.


Emom - The answer is really "sometimes yes, sometimes no." It depends on how much the boy was in control of the float plan. Or how involved he was in arranging the provisions for the unit. At most HA bases, which are really training facilities, the answer is "not much." So I wouldn't double count. Here's an example from some boys who never bothered to apply for the award: the first time they went to Philmont they loved it, and hiked a lot, but there was a lot of spoon-feeding to get them to that ability level. I would have counted it once. The second time, they were more intentional, chose their adventure (one of the toughest hike plans) during troop meetings where some of the younger boys could look over their shoulder and see how to do it, arranged food swaps on their arrival to provision to their satisifaction, hiked their little hearts out, and gave the adults a run for their money. I would have counted that twice.


Same applies to Seabase vs. a sailing trip. In fact on our last trip, for some youth in the same boat, it would count twice, for others it would count once. Why? For some it was about the sailing. For others and their life centered on the ship and working with the captain to drive the biggest boat in their life to date. For others, it was about hopping to the next island and touring and stopping at each resort and trying their local flavor ice-cream.


The other factor is how much the trip translates into the life of the unit. If a boy only does 18 miles, but did so to accomodate the needs of his patrol, or to get to a particular "sweet spot" on a map, or because the river simply wasn't any longer, then I'd let him count it if he asked.


That may sound like I'm "tweaking" the requirements unfairly. But I'm trying to stick to the spirit of the award. Usually, when a youth asks me about this stuff, I'll ask them "What would make you proudest?"


That changes the process from "rubber stamping" to actually working with youth.

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One major issue that I am having right now is that when I am at the "main forum page", clicking on certain forums just takes me right back to the same page, and not to the forum itself. For example, I just tested it, and clicking on "Open Discussion" or "Advancement Resources" takes me where I want to go and lists the topics in that forum, but clicking on "Issues and Politics" or "Scouter Announcements" does not take me anywhere. I am still able to click on the topic listed under "Last Post" on the right, but I cannot get to any of the other topics. "Issues and Politics" was working for me yesterday, but not today.


There may still be other problems that I am having, but until I can actually get into all the forums, I am not even sure what other issues remain.


(By the way, before anyone asks, I was logged in when clicking on the different forums mentioned above.)

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1- Thank you, thank you for volunteering time to help us unappreciative old fogies enjoy this forum.


2- When moving to the next page on a Droid,

a- There were 'Next Page' and page numbers to click on on the bottoms of each screen after the 15th post. I'm not seeing them on Chrome.

b- If I used the 'Next Page' buttons, I always came up at the bottoms of the next page, and had to scroll to the top (Sometimes that was a lot of finger swiping) to read on.

I really liked the way the old forum moved form the bottom of one page to the top of the next. NOT COMPLAINING! Just feedback.


3- Thanks to my other forum buddies for adjustment tips. Especially the '40 topics' per page tip.


4- Instead of being offered "Activity in the last 24 hours"? Could we make it "Activity in the last Week"?

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I like the new interface ... generally. While I'll miss the t-shirt lady that was selling things, etc., the new look is very promising. I like the authoring window.


What I really really miss that was a huge feature for me was ... the ability to reverse list recently activity and just show the forum, thread name, original thread author, last poster and date of the last post. In the "brief" list there was no need to post any of the discussion because if you are interested in the topic, you will open it and read. I used to scan that list to find interesting discussions.


That's how I'd like to see the "



Click Here to view active topics since your last visit (last 24 hours and before)" function. Just do a brief list of reverse sorted thread names, forums and last posting date. The current detailed multi-screen list makes it too hard to quickly find interesting discussions.



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Tried to post a reply to Bearclaws topic, got a JSON paste error, so here's that reply ...


We are strong on boy-led, weak on patrol method so take our example for what it's worth.


We don't say no to the boys when it comes to program. So, if they want to try an MB class, we do it. When they are sick of MB classes, we stop. If they would like a completion, we plan one, if not we don't. Advancement is not a priority, skills are. So, for example, SM brings in a couple of spars, pulls out some sweatshirts from the lost and found, and says "Make a stretcher, go!". While he's giving a boy a conference, and right when the other boys think they've done all they can with the task, a step in and ask some leading questions like "Can you move the biggest guy in the toop with this thing? How far? When would you use a two-man carry?". So we go through a lot of design, implement, evaluate cycles.


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It takes some getting used to it, but this should be a positive move.


One preference I have is this. When I go to the latest topics page at http://www.scouter.com/LatestTopics, I see the list of new posts, the time they are posted, and the title of the post. I would like to see the forum it came from. So, for example, if I am interested in finding new messages in the Patrol Method forum, I can quickly identify messages from that forum. Is it possible to do this?



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Update: Yesterday I was able to get into "Issues and Politics" but this morning I could not. I have switched from Firefox to Internet Explorer for this forum and it seems to work much better. I can get into "Issues and Politics" and, for the first time, I can get into "Scouter Announcements", and not just the topic that has the last post. So I guess IE is the way to go for this forum.

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Okay. Here's the deal. If I am "not allowed to create this post" don't tell me after you give me a "Post Reply" button and a box to write some text! Anyway here's the reply that I wanted to write in "New to Forum!"


Hi KM! I'm a tent stake guy too, although I operate with a hand ax and whever branch there is to spare in the axe yard. It kinda freaks a few boys out when I knock out a set of pegs faster than they can place an order with their i-thingies. However, I wouldn't take it up as a proffession. Margins are slim, and the patent office won't honor my claim, so the boys wind up cranking out knock-offs instead of buying me ice-cream for a custom set!

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When I click on OPEN DISCUSSION - Program it doesn't show me all the posts in this instead it opens a new session of the main board, the others I tried (Advancement, Patrol, Working With Kids, Camping, etc) all show me alll the posts in the thread. I am using Firefox.

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