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Debugging and Suggestions for new SCOUTER.com

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So I just tried to post something in another thread and get a "the answer to the random question was not answered correctly"


What random question? There was no random question!


I'm done - it's been fun, but it's time to move on. I didn't like New Coke, I don't like New Scouter Forum. So long, and thanks for all the fish.

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There are plenty of other good, stable discussion forum software products. I don't think "preserving the past discussion topics" is a good enough reason to try to keep updating a poor product. I never use the "old" discussions, if I have a question I just ask it again, regardless if its been "answered" back in 2003. Chuck out the cobwebs, recreate the site with phpBB, "freeze" anything that may be of use to some archievier, and get back to what was good about this site: pertinent, active discussions between scouters and volunteers.


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I realize this forum is free, and a labor of love for the owner(s). But some of us have been loyal users for 10+ years, which is an eternity in internet years. ANd we have been critical of the new system for well over a month now. I would think we are at least owed the courtesy of a reply from Terry about the changes, the bugs, the likelihood of this system EVER being fixed so that the use resembles the old system. We have been loyal, it's time for the owners to be helpful and friendly!

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Looking at a list of recent topics.

Not sure if it's complete or not. I suspect that it's not complete, but at least it's something!

I post a comment in a thread, then all ability to go back to that list of current topics is lost.

Thanks for trying, but this is getting tiresome.

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Came back today to see if there had been any change. I understand the preservation of the forums as well (as someone who has used forums since I could get online, I understand that completely.) But I've never come across a forum update that is as buggy as this one. Still unable to edit posts, view certain pages, update my photo, post a thread, etc. Glad I can at least post here and was able to make an account. If other people new to here had as much trouble as I did trying to get an account in the first place, that would def. explain a lack of new signups (it took months of trying before a verification email finally arrived to my inbox.)

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Still cannot create new topic or edit posts.


Ditto; and I made sure I was signed in first. At least appear to be able to work within the limited groups. I click new topics on the upper left, then filter for today. That brings newest posts up for the most part it seems. Still, hope the rest gets fixed soon so we can post new topics within their own threads.
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I can't speak to the slow resolution of the issues we are having as I am not privy to what is being done and by whom. What I can tell you is that the product the forums was moved to is vBulletin which is a standard in the bulletin board world. I am a member of other boards that use this software and they work flawlessly. I don't think it is the software at all, but the implementation.

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Been a member here since 2002, but I have to admit defeat. Sorry. An occasional check-in from Terry would be appropriate, I would think.



I had to dig to find Papadaddy's post. There is was as the most recent post in this topic, so selected the topic and it was not listed. Selected your profile Papadaddy, saw this post, selected GO TO POST and same thing. Finally went to this topic and FIltered with Today and found it! What a hassle. In the past 6 weeks or so since the software upgrade, there have been new topics that I would have liked to have posted and discussed but I am not "authorized". Please fix this great scout forum!
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