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Debugging and Suggestions for new SCOUTER.com

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1) The system is much slower in responding to requests for action. Sometimes seems the "button" won't work. I only khow to wait by the little roundandround at the top of the screen.

2) Put page advance button at the BOTTOM of the page. If I have read thru a thread page, why the need to go all the way back to the top of the page to see the next? And sometimes, the next button didn't work until I erased and inserted a page number Mildly frustrating.

3) I agree with much of the above critique/ suggestions. The quotating function would be nice once perfected. The punctuation and Smiley face thing needs work.

4) When seeking the newest things, I find I prefer the old way of listing the threads affected rather than the new way of listing the whole message. It is page consuming and unnecessary. There is a "more" button at the bottom of the page, but why even need that transition?

5) Very pretty, but then too, I found the old system attractive and businesslike. This is somewhat an example of the present trend to "make things fun"

I participated in a survey for the hardware store and found the question of "how much fun" shopping for building supplies was rather strange. Pleasent, satisfying, possibly but why fun?

6) Haven't tried to PM anyone yet... Does that work better than the old system, which was not reliable.

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Having a darn hard time using the site. Doesn't work in IE. In firefox, click on a topic and page number is not right (sometimes 1, sometimes 2 and then sometimes you can get the real number of pages). Some articles are not visible.


The hardest part is that I really miss the page that was the last 24 hours of activity. Before it was a short summary. Now I need to page thru everyone's origianl message which I just don't want to see again.


The new improvements have alot of promise, but the site is no where near as easy to use and read as it was before. The "efficiency" aspect was lost.


Alot of the features are just darn flaky too. Needs time to mature and stabalize.

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I notice that this site is really slow. I was able to count to 4 one thousand after clicking like before it stopped "working" and the like showed up. It also takes a long time travel from one page to another, and posting comments takes forever. It is not my connection either because everything else is still working at normal speed.


Edit: I counted to 6 one thousand before this post stopped "working" and another two before it showed up on screen.

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Two questions:


1) On the list of active topics from the last 24 hours (the grid, not the one with the original post), some of the topics are highlighted green? Any idea why?

2) Links aren't coming through as clickable. Is this my settings or the forum software?


Thanks for everything you've done. And, I do agree that I miss ads for villas in southern France.

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Not sure if anyone is having the same issue I am. Using IE, have FiOS, up-to-date java runtime and all those other plug ins, make sure my computer overhead is low and have a pretty fast PC. Navigation lags big time. Posting is even worse. It takes literally 30 seconds to over 1.5 minutes for something to post. I have tried this on two different PCs and my iPad. All PCs are directly connected to the home network (not wifi) and I have top speed FioS. This is the only website I visit with these issues. Checking to see if anyone else is having this issue.

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Not sure if anyone is having the same issue I am. Using IE, have FiOS, up-to-date java runtime and all those other plug ins, make sure my computer overhead is low and have a pretty fast PC. Navigation lags big time. Posting is even worse. It takes literally 30 seconds to over 1.5 minutes for something to post. I have tried this on two different PCs and my iPad. All PCs are directly connected to the home network (not wifi) and I have top speed FioS. This is the only website I visit with these issues. Checking to see if anyone else is having this issue.
EDIT: This post took nearly THREE minutes to with the "working" tag at the top. A big barrier to frequent useage.
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