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Maryland pack forced to withdraw popular non-discrimnation policy now votes on leaving the BSA


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Here's their poll that closed on Friday:




As a reminder, this Non-Discrimination statement is the same one that Pack families anonymously voted on and overwhelming approved back in August 2012. Our chartering organization, the Colesville Lions Club, also approved this statement in September and strongly supported us in posting this statement. In addition, the statement was discussed in detail with District Leaders and NCAC from August through October 2012. As was stated above, it was only recently that NCAC contacted us saying they would no longer allow this statement to be posted.



There's also a notice on their front page: http://www.pack442.us



(fixed URL)(This message has been edited by Merlyn_LeRoy)

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Well, it sounds like they chose to remove the statement rather then discontinuing the program. But, I like their new web page replacement, to send complaints to the responsible party, and by the way, we will still continue with our program the way we always have.. We just can't post that in a statement on our website.

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yeah good for them... they stood up for what they think is the right thing to do... then point folks in the right direction to complain if they don't like the change.


While I do NOT agree with national's current membership policy, you have to be willing to live by the brand that you buy into.


Its not like I can go and buy a McDonald's fanchise and then be surprised when MCD international tells me I can't be selling Whoppers on my local menu...


An 'A' for effort, but a better approach is to try to change the organization internally. Glad they didn't throw the baby out with the bathwater.




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"Maryland pack forced to withdraw popular non-discrimnation policy now votes on leaving the BSA"


Merlyn; please try posting accurate title. They obviously did not vote to leave BSA. Your title suggests that they did. I realize you would prefer they had; but they did not, so you are not being accurate. Thank you.

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Why are you surprised it's the bible thumpers, Basement?..


They're the ones who need the "We are better then you" supiority comparisons in order to claim they are they "chosen ones".. It may be homosexuals or it may be thinking their religious members are the only one blessed to access heaven, while all other people (whether of no religion, or of a different faith then theirs) are doomed to rot in hell.

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Sentinel: don't know which "thumpers" you know. But the best ones I've met reply, "Yes, and greatly." Of course, that sort doesn't get the best TV time.


Now, nationwide we have certain "clashes of orthodoxies" here.


One that insists that scouts in scouting should only be exposed to adult leaders who comport themselves sexually in a particular way (set of ways) vs. the other that insists scouts should be exposed to adults who comport themselves sexually in the variety of manners that represent the communities in which they live.


One that insists that scouts in scouting should have a religious life as that is intrinsic to sound character vs. the other that insists scouts should be taught that religious life is not intrinsic to sound character and (by way of including the irreligious) that faith is an incidental, not a necessity.


Clearly, this pack's membership voted to draw a line in the sand (in favor of the more secular orthodoxies), and then after consultation decided to remove it. I can't imagine this was merely a philosophical exercise. There are probably individuals whom they want to secure for the pack while still securing their association with BSA.


It's odd how folks want a middle road, when there are two perfectly serviceable roads to drive on.

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