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Unlawful Harassment Prevention training?

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I noticed that the new camp standards have a revised section. I sat down and compared the two and the only new thing that I saw was a new paragraph, "For all camps, the training plan communicates that all employees must go online and take Unlawful Harassment Prevention training. A roster of participants who have completed the online training is maintained at the council office. Prior to, or upon arrival at camp, each employee must provide a copy of the certificate showing his or her successful completion of the training." Yes, the word "all" was also emphasized in the original.


So, just paid employees? If a camp is run by all volunteer staff, then nobody has to take it? The standard emphasizes "all" camps, but usually it's only summer camps that have employees. The standard says that it applies to family camps, and day camps, but they don't usually have employees (well, maybe a few like a professional Scouter who's overseeing things and possibly specialized support like medical or climbing personnel, but by far most of the staff are volunteers). I don't know why we'd track participants who completed the training. Perhaps they meant to say all staff instead of all employees are required to take it? And perhaps they meant that they'd track all staff who completed it, not all participants?


I also thought it was interesting that this training apparently only exists online and can't (shouldn't?) be done physically. Speaking of which, I don't see it yet at myscouting.org -- possibly it'll be there after the first of January?


I guess it'll be nice to have clear well-communicated messages on exactly what harassment is -- is it ever appropriate to have a Scout sing/chant/speak in front of others? Can Scouts be told that they "have" to participate in the skit along with the rest of the pack/troop/team/crew? What about when a group is preparing for a Court of Honor and the unit wants "everyone" to either recite something or carry a flag or otherwise do something in front of the group, can we tell a Scout that they "have" to do that? How despondent can a Scout get while hiking and should we wait until everyone is in a good mood whenever we stop to take a break? For a volunteer stressful situation such as a Polar Bear Swim, how much ice are we allowed to use and how long can people swim for? I can't wait to get clear answers on questions like these. :)

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Pure guess off the top of my head is this relates to employee/employer harassment and is required for actual employees.


I've taught that section at camp school for the past couple years, so I'm sure we'll get the official word at staff development after the first of the year. I'll keep you posted.

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As far as I know, the only laws applicable to employers are sexual harassment laws, which are covered under the EEO anti-discrimination statutes. These laws would not be applicable to volunteers and/or camp attendees (scouts). Bullying of scouts is a different topic. But I'm not a lawyer, and the laws of your state may vary. In my training, we were taught that "harassment" is in the eye of the beholder, and they have an obligation to confront the harasser and tell them to stop. Bystanders can also be "harassed" by being subjected to a "hostile environment".

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