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dual registration concerns


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"Be aware that use or storage of an individuals SSN# falls under the federal privacy act. You must take care to insure the information is kept confidential.(ie, no posting of SSN's on troop rosters or phone list ect...)"


I realize this thread is ancient, but I have to raise the BS flag ... the above statement is simply not true. The federal Privacy Act only applies to "systems of records" maintained by the Government, not to records maintained by individuals, troops, packs, etc.

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Yes, a youth can be dual-registered in a troop and a team. Or triply-registered in a troop, team, and crew. Or even, based on what I've seen, be quad-registered in a troop, team, crew, and ship (even though a ship is a specialized crew). And then you could be a den chief, too, and be active in all five units from one CO.

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"Yes, a youth can be dual-registered in a troop and a team."


Never heard that a youth can be dual-registered in a troop and a team. So not certain if so.


"Or triply-registered in a troop, team, and crew. Or even, based on what I've seen, be quad-registered in a troop, team, crew, and ship (even though a ship is a specialized crew)."


A youth can be registered in more then one crew. As a ship is just a certain type of crew, that makes it doable. The reason for allowing more then one crew is that crews have different programs/foci. So one could be in a church crew and also a high adventure crew or the like.



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It is my understanding that a youth can be registered only TWO units in a council. I confirmed this a couple years ago when we had a young woman who was registered with a crew and ship in another council here going to college; she wanted to register with the local ship, but said she could not because she was already in two. Our SE agreed, but since each council has it's own charter, the limit did not apply to > 2 units in multiple councils.

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Okay, so here is why I'm asking...


Seems that our Council is on a "kick" to get more units - some type of success measure for the district executives. So he has hooked up with one of my influential (at the local district/council level) troop committee members to encourage us to charter a Varsity Team as an additional "unit". Helps him to meet his success measures.


Meanwhile, I'm concerned that doing so will rob the Troop of the most experienced and mature boy leaders (essentially the Venture Patrol in the Troop) - who will want to join the Varsity Team to do high adventure and sports. Leaving me with the younger boys and little or no leadership.


They are selling it as a Varsity Team within the Troop who will be excited to do new and different things and still be able to lead the Troop. I think that it will potentially backfire by dividing the boys.

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Yeah, so the creation of a new unit solely for the sake of creating a unit is a bad idea. I wouldn't want to create a Varsity team unless the troop leadership supported the move.


Can they? Yes, generally speaking. The rules as I understand them, and as they are enforced in our council, are this: you need to have five Scouts to create a new unit. Those five Scouts must have their *primary* registration in the new unit (to stop the creation of phantom units where every registration is just a copy of the one in the first unit). In practice this has meant that we can only carve out a new Varsity team or Venturing crew out of an existing unit at recharter time, when we can designate Scouts as primary in those units.


Sometimes this can be a great way to retain older boys. But sometimes, as you say, it can split an existing unit.

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"Never heard that a youth can be dual-registered in a troop and a team. So not certain if so."


We have many youths who are dual-registered in a troop and team, and I've talked to other leaders who have the same situation. My son, for example, is registered in a troop, a team, and a crew, all in our council.


"It is my understanding that a youth can be registered only TWO units in a council."


That is definitely not the case in practice here. As above, we have a number of boys who are triply registered. I can't confirm that you can be registered in more than two crews, but we actually have Scouts who are registered in four units.

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