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Cubmaster minute Blue and gold


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I used the following as a warm - up to our Pack's Blue and Gold Banquet. I am not the author of these words - they are a hybrid of several stories.

The Cub Scouts love it when we use dry ice and thisis no exception.

As preparation, fill two wine carafes with water (hotter is better) and add yellow food coloring to one and blue to the other. Use enough so the color is bright and not washed out.

Use a pot of some kind (I used an old flowerpot with a can inside for the dry ice) and place a quantity of dry ice in the pot ahead of time. Also place a wolf neckerchief in the pot where it will be protected from the water. Keep the pot with the dry ice safe from curious eyes.


Our scouting movement has been changing the lives of boys and men for nearly 100 years! Tonight we celebrate that acheivement with a Fiesta!

But why are the CubScout colors Blue and Gold? I'd like to share a story with you to help explain it.

"Akela the Chief was searching for a way to make his tribe the best of all tribes. He asked his friend the Great Eagle to fly to thesun to bring back a piece of the Golden orb.

Next he traveled to the great Forest where he met his friend the Wood finch who he asked to fly as high as he could and bring back a piece of the sky.

Akela was not sure his friends could do these things but he knew they would do their best. The next morning he was suprised to find his friends waiting for him with a piece of the sun and a piece of the sky, which he place in containers to keep them safe. (Hold up each carafe high as you say a piece of the sun...and a piece of the sky)

Akela went to his Sacred mixing pot and poured in a bit of the sky (hold up and pour on ice - smoke should billow forth) and declared that from then on the color blue would stand fortruth and loyalty. Then he poured in a bit of the sun, declaring that from then on The golden color of the sun would stand for happiness and freindship.

Pause. Pull out the hidden neckerchief from inside the smoking pot. "And that is why the cub Scout colors are blue and Gold."

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