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Scouting Podcasts


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How about a thread highlighting Scouting-related podcasts?

Here are a few for starters:


The Leader's Campfire: An audio podcast featuring pack and troop leaders from around the country. http://www.leaderscampfire.com/


Akela's Adventure: An audio podcast featuring a den leader, his Cub Scout son, and their adventures.



An Hour A Week: An audio podcast featuring a cubmaster who chats about the thrills and chills of being a pack leader.



Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast: A video podcast showcasing Boy Scouts doing songs, skits, and having fun on activities. Also the home of Buttons, the radical Boy Scout.



PTC Media: A network of Scouting podcasts. Find all four podcasts listed here on one site.



Do you know of any others?

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Wow! Three Scouting related podcasts have found their way to the iTunes Music Store "featured" pages in the "Kids and Family" category. I am not sure how podcasts make it to the Featured Pages, but I think it is great that these Scouting related podcasts

have made it there. I think it helps to spread the word about Scouting to the public.


You can probably help keep them on the Featured page, and maybe even help to rank them higher, by downloading and/or subscribing to the podcasts. Leaving comments on iTunes seems to help the ranking also. Maybe, with your help, we can move one or two of these podcasts to the front page.


The podcasts are:

An Hour A Week (audio)


The Leaders Campfire (audio)


Melrose Scouting Productions (video)



All three shows are part of PTC Media which can be found at

http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=220050583(This message has been edited by stevejb)

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The family of Scouting podcasts found at PTC Media has added one more audio podcast. It is called The Scoutmaster Minute and discusses topics related to troops and Boy Scouting. It can be found at http://ptcmedia.net.


It can also be downloaded from itunes at



Steve B

Scoutmaster, Troop 68, CMC

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Here are the latest videos posted to the Melrose Scouting Productions Podcast that come from Boy Scout Troop 68 in Melrose, Minnesota.


#35 - The Scouts sing the Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts song


#36 - The adults leaders try to keep up during the VISTA song.


#37 - Cats in the Cradle - The troop ends a show singing this classic song with electric guitar and grand piano.


#38 - An Eagle slide show featuring pictures from through the Scout's years in the troop.


#39 - Three Scouting Commercials produced by the BSA several years ago. Hard to find these videos today.


#40 - The troop ends one of the Laughs For Lunch Show with a tribute to our country's servicemen and military.


These videos and other can be found at http://www.ptcmedia.net/

and at http://melrosetroop68.org/podcast/podcast.xml

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