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Web page ideas / Clip art

Eagle Foot

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As computers are not my main field...but out of "If I want to keep my job" I have learned to use this great tool.


I have built a web page for our troop...but as I look around at other sites they really have come up with some pretty cool looking hover buttons and the like.


I use front page 2000 and I am looking for some stuff like one troop I saw...wooden shingle where you can write your link. I'v e-mailed them several times but no responce...there last update was back in 06..





Any ides...what do I need to buy or what to download using front page?


Eagle Foot

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I'm no expert, but you can plagiarize the HTML code by clicking on "View Source" in your browser. The website you looked at appears to have been abandoned, a common problem when leadership changes hands. I attended a session on unit websites at our last Univ of Scouting, and abandoned websites appears to be a common complaint. There's no way to get rid of them, unless the owner takes them offline.


You might want to shoot an e-mail to the Texas council where this troop is located, and they can maybe put you in touch with the troop's current SM or CC.

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Hi Eagle Foot,


I'm new to the forum, but computers and web design are actually my part time job as a small potatoes hosting provider. :-)


What you are looking at on the site mentioned used to be called a hover button or a mouseover. Basically meaning that you see one image and as soon as your mouse is over the image it changes for another identical image that has a "light on it".


You can actually create rudimentary hover buttons in fpage by clicking the following series in the menu:



Web Component

Hover Button


That's the "old school" way of doing it, and it works. As for the page you sent specifically, they are using javascript to make the mouseover come alive.


Best bet is to start with something simple for your site to be online. Then you can play with a test page on your hosts server to get the desired effects. It doesn't usually come easily, or overnight, and you can end up frustrating yourself before you even get a chance to get started.


Hope this helps even a little, and feel free to contact if I can assist further



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