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District Email Newsletters


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Area-wise, Kennebec Valley District is one of the largest districts in the northeast. One of the ways we help get the word out to units of upcoming events is the District Email Newsletter. I'm the current "Keeper of the List" and newsletter editor.


Volunteers who sign up are BCC'd in the email to protect their privacy. At the beginning of the monthly "E-Letter" is a quick disclaimer explaining why they're receiving it and how to unsubscribe from the list. We do our list the old-fashion way--"manually". Only I and the Key Three (except the DE who doesn't want a copy) have access to a copy of the mailing list--this is also explained in the disclaimer.


Then, all info from District/Council that was passed out at Roundtable goes out the following weekend by the email newsletter.


We've also found this tool to be quite effective with last minute announcements that can't wait for the following roundtable.


We know of one other district in our council that also does this. One of their members is subscribed to our list and vise versa.


So, anyone else do this and if so, who effective has it been for you?

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We do a Council E-Letter, not a District one. It contains council wide info & also has District specific areas. This makes it easier for folks who attend out of District events.


I really like it & have convinced other leaders in our Pack to sign up. The E-Letter usually gets updated info sooner than the website. We actually do get District notices too, but they are usually things like Roundtable reminders or changes.



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Our Council sends out a weekly e-mail newletter. One can subscribe via our Council Web Site, and one can unsubscribe via a link on the newsletter.


My district does not send out an e-mail newsletter, but another district in our council does. I am on their e-mailing list, and some of the information is helpful.


In each case there is a volunteer who is incredibly internet/computer savvy and puts in an incredible amount of time.


Yes, I think that it is very helpful.

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Our council has an email newsletter. Our district has a yahoo group that announcements can be posted to. Subscribers can receive these posts via email if they wish. They have been useful from time to time. In the both cases the information is often posted at the last minute and so may be of little value to those who try to plan ahead. Weekly email updates from our Scoutmaster have been very helpful, and he very much tries to look ahead and remind the Scouts, leaders, and parents of events in the coming months

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