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District Web Pages

Eagle Foot

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I had heard that Nation has said that Districts are no long allowed to have web pages. Our District needs a web site because the local Council can't get the information right or just doesen't list what's going on in the District. I think having a District web site or "Un-Official" site created by the Volunteers.


What's the word?


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I've heard nothing of the sort (yet), and if it comes down to that, then we volunteers will probably still keep our website up. The webhosting is paid for by an "anonymous" benefactor, all maintainence is by volunteers and we can get out district info much easier (and cheaper) through it. Especially when we are a rural district that is larger area wise then CT and RI.




The only 'run-in' we've had with council has been over youth pictures. After a year of asking them to send us the regs in writing we finally got them. By their policy, youth photos maybe posted with written consent (using the council's form) from the parent/guardian, but no names may be posted. That's fine with me, I understand about protecting the youth. However, until they provided us with that policy they were claiming no youth photos could be posted, period. DESPITE, the fact that there were youth photos on the "official" council website at that time. Got to love double standards.


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Hog-Wash is right...I talked with National Web Master and he was unaware of this hear-say policy. For the record you can build a web site and list what is going on in your district...Where do these DE's get this junk?


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