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Anyone use powerpoints for meetings


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Are you talking for Committee Meetings or what?


Our SM had a gorgeous PP Presentation for his SM's report last committee meeting. Unfortunately the copy of Windows 2000 Pro wasn't receptive, and he was unable to use it :(


I think a visual aide is always a good idea, if possible. I think folks prefer to "see AND hear" as opposed to just hear. I know I do.

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I forgot to add...


I actually have found a few PPT files out there on the web for Scouting.

I have downloaded them - Leave NO Trace, Safety Afloat, and I think the last one was Junior Leader Training. They are created by other scouters so they should be checked for accuracy before use and tailored to your unit if needed.

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There are also Power Point Presentations corresponding to training sessions at the past NOAC. They do not have specific information; they're just outlines for a training syllabus or something. I forgot where on the web to find them but they're out there somewhere. I downloaded "creating a super-troop program" and "Patch-collecting 101."

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